Synthetic and dictation exercises.
brid’al, belonging to a bride.
met’al, a substance.
met’tle, spirit.
bri’dle, a check; a curb. vice, defect;
fault. les’son, a task for recitation. vise,
an instrument.
wail, to lament.
less’en, to make less. wale, to mark
with stripes.
Filled with choler, he seized the youth by the collar. The priest filled the censer. He is a censor of the press. The ship took divers persons as divers for pearls. The plaintiff assumed a plaintive air. To lessen the number of exercises, will make an easier lesson.
Lesson 124.
scrive’ner friv’o lous fru gal’i ty slug’gard im’age ry gram mat’ic al stub’born in’di go hi lar’i ty sub’urbs in’sti gate hu man’i ty symp’tom liq’ui date in hab’it ant med’ley pil’grim age i ras’ci ble peas’ant fish’er y le gal’i ty pheas’ant hick’o ry lo cal’i ty pen’sive in’ter est lo quac’i ty pres’ence mit’ti mus men dac’i ty read’y min’strel sy ra pac’i ty
Lesson 125.
Note.—These words are not exactly alike in sound, and should be carefully distinguished.
as sist’ance, help; relief rab’bit,
an animal. as sist’ants, helpers.
rab’bet, a term in carpentry. de vis’er,
an inventor. di vi’sor, a term in Arithmetic.
lin’e a ment, a feature.
ment, an ointment.
def’er ence, respect. prin’ci
pal, chief dif’fer ence, variation.
prin’ci ple, rule of action. in gen’u
ous, open; free. li’ar, one who tells
lies. in gen’ious, having skill. lyre,
a kind of harp.
Lesson 126.
Dictation exercises on the above.
His assistants gave him great assistance. He was the deviser of the machine. Which is the larger, the divisor or the quotient? This difference being settled, he will pay due deference to your opinion. The ingenious mechanic was also an ingenuous man. Not a lineament could be recognized by his friends. Apply to the wound a healing liniment. The principal in the agreement was devoid of moral principle. Though a great liar, he could play upon the lyre. The rabbit was tame. The carpenter will rabbet the boards.
Lesson 127.
In words like the following, U should receive its proper consonant sound; as nature, pronounced nat’yur.
nat’ure sig’na ture ag’ri cult ure creat’ure sep’ul ture leg’is la ture feat’ure fur’ni ture ar’chi tect ure fut’ure for’feit ure tem’per a ture capt’ure lig’a ture lit’er a ture rapt’ure ap’er ture flo’ri cult ure text’ure quad’ra ture ju’di ca ture pict’ure ad vent’ure hor’ti cult ure script’ure con ject’ure man u fact’ure
Lesson 128.