McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.
con dense’   dis pense’   im mense’    pre tense’
de fense’    ex pense’    of fense’    sus pense’
re cense’    in cense’    pre pense’   li’cense

Lesson 118.

lane, a narrow passage. main, chief lain, past participle of lie. mane, hair on the neck of a horse.
                               mail, armor.
lapse, to fall. male, masculine. laps, plural of lap. mark, a sign. leak, to run out. marque, letters of reprisal. leek, a kind of onion. mead, a drink. lo! behold! meed, reward. low, not high. meet, fit; proper. lore, learning. mete, to measure. low’er, more low. meat, food in general. maid, a maiden. might, strength; power. made, finished. mite, a small insect.

Lesson 119.

mode’, way; manner. nay, no. mowed, cut down. neigh, to cry as a horse. mule, an animal. nit, egg of an insect. mewl (mul), to squall. knit, to unite. mist, fine rain. gneiss, a kind of mineral. missed, did miss. more, a greater quantity. nice, delicate; fine. mow’er, one who mows. owe, to be bound. muse, to meditate. oh! alas! mews (muz), an inclosure. ode, a poem.
                             owed, indebted.
none, not one. one (wun), a single thing. nun, a religious woman. won, gained.

Lesson 120.

a mal’gam ate     cheese    e man’ci pate
as sas’sin ate    dirt      e rad’i cate
ca pac’i tate     bleak     e vac’u ate
co ag’u late      goad      a ban’don ment
con cat’e nate    slouch    in fat’u ate
con fab’u late    gone      in val’i date
con grat’ulate    scarf     be at’i fy
con tam’i nate    nerve     pro cras’ti nate
de cap’i tate     raid      re tal’i ate
e jac’u late      graze     e vap’o rate
e lab’o rate      stale     pre var’i cate

Lesson 121.

cir’cus     ca pac’i ty      an’a gram
cur’few     com par’i son    am’bi ent
cur’tain    com par’a tive   al’li gate
fer’tile    com pat’i ble    cal’a mine
fer’vid     con cav’i ty     hal’cy on
fur’nace    de clar’a tive   Jes’u it
fur’long    di ag’o nal      ped’i gree
mer’maid    di am’e ter      reg’is ter
nerv’ous    dog mat’ic al    rev’el ry
pur’chase   em bas’sa dor    skep’tic al
sur’face    de prav’i ty     ver’i ly

Lesson 122.

In words like the following, sier, zier, sure, zure, su, sion, and sia are pronounced zhur, zhur, zhu, zhun, and zha.

bra’sier    em bra’sure    cas’u al ly
gla’zier    e ras’ure      cas’u ist ry
gra’zier    e va’sion      treas’ur er ship
ras’ure     in va’sion     us’u al ly
seiz’ure    per sua’sion   pleas’ur a ble
ho’sier     ad he’sion     meas’ur a ble
o’sier      co he’sion     oc ca’sion al
fu’sion     am bro’sia     pro vis’ion al
az’ure,     dis clos’ure   u su’ri ous
meas’ure    ex plo’sion    dis com pos’ure
pleas’ure   col lu’sion    in de cis’ion

Lesson 123.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.