faith theme length sor’row sol’emn scrape chime launch dur’ing hire’ling strange whilst morgue gib’bet tres’pass greet smart pledge bod’kin shil’ling perch badge gourd gos’ling mat’tock champ dodge schist lob’by ram’part drench brawl flounce tan’sy tran’quil squeeze dwarf screech lock’et cun’ning grist yawl spasm van’dal her’ring shrink grant starve ex’tra drug’gist copse spunk scalp cut’lass spon’sor
Lesson 113.
knight, a title of honor. lee, the sheltered side. night, time of darkness. lea, a meadow; field. knave, a wicked person. lie, to deceive. nave, hub of a wheel. lye, water passed through ashes. loan, any thing lent. links, parts of a chain. lone, solitary. lynx, an animal. knap, a small protuberance. loch, a lake. nap, a short sleep. lough (lok), a lake. lac, a kind of gum. lock, to fasten a door. lack, to want; need. lax, loose; vague. laid, placed. lacks, wants; needs. lade, to load. lacs, plural of lac.
Lesson 114.
Words containing I consonant, sounded like Y consonant; as alien, pronounced al’yen.
al’ien on’ion bat tal’ion sav’ior bil’ious pe cul’iar pan’nier brill’iant re bell’ion un’ion fil’ial dis un’ion sen’ior mill’ion o pin’ion jun’ior pill’ion do min’ion gal’liard pin’ion com mun’ion span’iel trill’ion mut’u al val’iant coll’ier punc til’io bill’iards pon’iard punc til’ious bill’ion ruff’ian ver mil’ion In’dian Chris’tian aux il’ia ry
Lesson 115.
The following words, according to the analogy of the English language, should he spelled with the termination er, with the exception of the last word of each line.
cen’ter mi’ter spec’ter sep’ul cher fi’ber ni’ter o’cher the’a ter lus’ter som’ber mau’ger ma neu’ver mea’ger sa’ber um’ber cal’i ber me’ter scep’ter om’ber ac cou’ter a’cre na’cre lu’cre mas’sa cre
Lesson 116.
In the following words, ng is pronounced as if the g were doubled; as anger, pronounced ang’ger.
an’ger lan’guor jin’gle youn’ger an’gle lan’guid min’gle con’ger an’gry man’gle sin’gle bun’gler an’guish man’go tin’gle hun’ger clan’gor san’guine din’gle hun’gry dan’gle span’gled lon’ger wran’gler fan’gled span’gle lon’gest fin’ger jan’gle tan’gle stron’ger lan’guish ban’gle wran’gle bun’gle un’guent
Lesson 117.
In the following, S has the sound of sh as sure, (pro. shure).
sure’ly cen’sure fis’sure is’su ance sure’ness press’ure ton’sure as sur’ance sure’ty is’sue as sure’ in sur’ance sug’ar tis’sue in sure’ in sur’er
The following words are spelled, according to analogy, with the termination se.