McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Monosyllables representing different Sounds.

stray    sleet    strike   trope    curse
ache     fleece   trite    grope    hearse
bathe    steer    splice   broke    purge
lathe    speech   stripe   stroke   scourge
plaint   sphere   tithe    cloak    verge
brain    fief     yield    crock    squeal
slave    field    fierce   block    league
quake    thief    pierce   flock    plead
stave    fiend    tierce   shock    squeak
plague   shriek   niece    mock     heath

Lesson 108.

Synthetic exercises.

Make Sentences containing the following Words.

bough, a branch of a tree. grieves, laments. bow, to bend. greaves, armor for the legs. brute, a beast. hew (hu), to cut; to chop. bruit, to noise abroad. hue, a color; dye. cite, to summon.  Hugh, a man’s name. site, a situation. kill, to deprive of life. sight, the sense of seeing. kiln, a large oven. climb, to ascend. leaf, of a tree or book. clime, climate; region. lief, willingly; gladly. core, the inner part. maze, an intricate place. corps, a body of soldiers. maize, Indian corn. creek, a narrow inlet. mean, low; middle point. creak, a grating noise. mien, air; manner.

Lesson 109.

Miscellaneous Sounds.

bul’let    coop’er      nor’mal     pre cise’
bull’y     wool’en      or’phan     pre side’
bull’ock   cool’ly      tor’por     pro scribe’
bul’rush   scoun’drel   quar’ter    com mode’
bush’el    bal’sam      ac claim’   en gross’
bull’ion   squad’ron    o paque’    con sume’
crup’per   war’rant     sca lene’   pre sume’
cuck’oo    quad’rant    se cede’    be dew’

Lesson 110.

false    naught   pitch    batch     edge
quart    sought   flitch   match     hedge
sward    bought   stitch   hatch     ledge
swarm    bright   fitch    latch     wedge
thwart   plight   hitch    patch     fledge
bilge    budge    fosse    breadth   twinge
bridge   judge    thong    breast    print
ridge    drudge   notch    cleanse   fling
hinge    grudge   blotch   friend    string
cringe   plunge   prompt   knell     swift

Lesson 111.

hall, a large room. hoop, a ring; a band. haul, to drag by force. whoop, to make a noise. hay, dried grass. hied, made haste. hey! an exclamation. hide, to conceal. hare, an animal. hoard, to lay up. hair, of the head. horde, a tribe. heal, to cure. hoes, plural of hoe. heel, hinder part of the foot. hose, stockings.
                                jam, a conserve of fruit.
hire, wages. jamb, the sidepiece of a high’er, more high. door or fireplace. hoe, a farming tool. knead, to work dough. ho! an exclamation. need, want.

Lesson 112.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.