McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.
a lert’     ex pert’      sub vert’   re move’
as sert’    in ert’      su perb’     a do’
a ver’      in fer’      ab surd’     a loof’
a vert’     in sert’     re cur’      bal loon’
con cern’   in vert’     de mur’      buf foon’
per vert’   pre fer’     dis turb’    hal loo’
a vail’     re claim’    dis play”    be fall’
a wait’     ab stain’    en tail’     re call’
de cay’     ac quaint’   ob tain’     en thrall’
de claim’   af fray’     con tain’    re sort’
de fray’    as suage’    per suade’   as sort’
pre vail’   block ade’   a broad’     be sought’

Lesson 102.

al’pha      pad’lock    ad’dle      hon’ey
an’ise      plac’id     bar’rack    com’fort
brack’et    Sab’bath    man’date    moth’er
dam’ask     saf’fron    man’ly      oth’er
mad’der     stag’nant   stag’nate   smoth’er
clos’et     con’trite   cher’ish    ves’tal
com’ment    oc’tave     den’tist    leg’ate
con’course  vol’ume     fresh’et    mem’brane
con’text    bon’fire    rel’ish     mes’sage
con’vex     con’quer    rem’nant    res’cue

Lesson 103.

flout    a fresh’      fir’kin     a’er ate’
meant    con temn’     serv’ile    la’i ty
wren     con tempt’    skir’mish   de’vi ous
quick    com mand’     ster’ling   re’al ize
solve    com mence’    sur’feit    re’qui em
wrong    com mend’     ur’gent     co’gen cy
quince   com pact’     fur’lough   no’ti fy
shrimp   com plaint’   jas’mine    po’ten cy
cause    es tray’      lack’ey     o’ri ole
gauze    ap proach’    latch’et    o’ri ent
quoin    cor rode’     mat’in      jo’vi al
squaw    cur tail’     scat’ter    vo’ta ry
cross    re pute’      sav’age     zo’di ac

Lesson 104.

Dictation exercises.

I accept all your presents except the last.  His joy was in excess, at the news of his access to fortune.  Though your terms exceed my expectations, I must accede to them.  The best cosmetic is air and exercise.  He pretended to exorcise evil spirits.  Both assent to go up the ascent.  He was indicted for inditing a false letter.  Champagne is made in France.  The soldiers crossed the champaign.  The law will levy a tax to build a levee.  The levee was held at the mayor’s residence.  The senior brother was addressed as seignior.

Lesson 105.

cer’ti fy     for’ti fy     cog’ni zance
fer’ti lize   for’ti tude   con’ju gal
herb’al ist   fort’u nate   glob’u lar
serv’i tude   or’di nance   or’i gin
ter’mi nate   or’gan ism    hom’i ly
fer’ven cy    ar’bi ter     af’flu ent
mer’cu ry     ar’ter y      bal’us ter
nurs’er y     har’mo ny     bar’ri er
per’fi dy     lar’ce ny     bar’ris ter
per’ju ry     har’mo nize   car’ri on

Lesson 106.

Words accented on the first Syllable.

cler’ic al      fes’ti val   li’bra ry
el’e gy         eth’ic al    like’li hood
em’i grant      her’ald ry   mi’cro cosm
em’per or       her’e tic    mi’cro scope
ep’i gram       her’o ism    ni’tro gen
pa’pa cy        di’a lect    ped’ant ry
fla’gran cy     di’a gram    ped’es tal
fra’gran cy     di’a ry      med’i cine
ra’di ance      fin’er y     lex’i con
sla’ver y       i’vo ry      sed’u lous
main’te nance   pli’a ble    quer’u lous

Lesson 107.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.