McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

fir, a kind of tree. fort, a stronghold. fur, soft hair. forte, one’s strong point. faint, weak; languid. forth, forward. feint, a pretense. fourth, the next after third. fair, clear; handsome. fare, food; cost of passage. frays, quarrels.
                              phrase, part of a sentence,
feet, plural of foot. fore, toward the front. feat, an exploit. four, twice two. floe, a large piece of ice. foul, impure. flow, a current. fowl, a bird. flour, ground wheat. freeze, to become ice. flow’er, a blossom. frieze, a kind of cloth.

Lesson 97.

ex’pe dite’    ped’i ment     cur’ren cy
hel’le bore    pel’i can      ful’some ly
per’i gee      pet’u lant     nul’li ty
reg’i cide     rec’om pense   sub’si dy
rec’on dite’   spher’ic al    sub’ter fuge
fif’ti eth     syn’o nym      con’ju gate
mir’a cle      tyr’an nize    con’tro vert
nim’ble ness   witch’er y     con’se crate
rig’or ous     wil’der ness   cor’o net
ris’i ble      whim’si cal    dom’i nant

Lesson 98.

ar’bi trate    hard’i hood    for’mu la
ar’ma ment     har’le quin    gor’mand ize
ar’mis tice    car’ni val     or’der ly
ar’chi tect    car’bon ate    or’di nal
arch’er y      gar’den er     or’di nate
bar’ba rism    gar’ni ture    or’phan age
dec’i mal      met’a phor     crit’i cism
des’pot ism    ed’it or       cyl’in der
em’pha sis     sen’a tor      mys’ter y
ep’i taph      ser’a phim     mys’ti fy
leth’ar gy     spec’i men     phys’ic al
pen’ta teuch   spec’u late    typ’i fy

Lesson 99.

Short and long Sounds of the Vowels.

but’ler      com’mon    dis’mal     blem’ish
buck’ler     dog’ma     dis’trict   elem’ent
cud’gel      dol’phin   mim’ic      cher’ry
judg’ment    hos’tile   mis’sive    cred’it
snuff’ers    mod’ern    syn’od      em’bers
bond’age     con’vent   cli’max     aid’ance
cot’tage     soph’ist   fi’brous    bail’iff
for’age      sor’rel    hy’brid     base’ment
hos’tage     stop’ple   hy’men      brace’let
pros’trate   tod’dy     hy’phen     brave’ly

Lesson 100.

furs, skins with soft hair.   groan, a deep sigh.
furze, a prickly shrub.       grown, increased.
gage, to pledge.              gall, bile.
gauge, to measure.             Gaul, old name of France.
gate, door; entrance.         gild, to overlay with gold.
gait, manner of walking.      guild, a corporation.
gilt, adorned with gold.      gloze, to smooth over.
guilt, crime.                 glows, shines.
great, large; vast.           guest, a visitor.
grate, a range of bars.       guessed, did guess.
grease, soft fat.             hale, sound; healthy. 
Greece, a country.            hail, frozen rain.

Lesson 101.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.