McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Lesson 90.

be speak’    ab solve’    ad judge’    in dulge’
nan keen’    de volve’    be grudge’   re pulse’
im plead’    dis solve’   sub duct’    suc cumb’
con ceal’    re solve’    be numb’     af front’
con geal’    re spond’    con vulse’   a mong’
re frain’    re print’    re proach’   re take’
re main’     re strict’   en croach’   re trace’
re strain’   re sist’     pa trol’     re pay’
re tain’     sub mit’     pa role’     de lay’
re tail’     dis tinct’   be fore’     al lay’

Lesson 91.

dust, powdered earth. day, twenty-four hours. dost, second person of do. dey, a Turkish title. earn, to gain by labor. ewe (yu), a female sheep. urn, a kind of vase. you, the person spoken to. ern, the sea-eagle. die, to expire. yew (yu), a kind of tree. dye, to color. eye, the organ of sight. draught (draft), drawing I, myself.
                              ay, yes.
draft, a bill of exchange. aye, an affirmative vote. dun, a dark color. flee, to run away. done, performed. flea, an insect. fate, destiny. flew (flu) , did fly. fete, a festival. flue, a passage for smoke.

Lesson 92.

ag’ile     hack’ney    pas’sive     bis’cuit
al’oes     knap’sack   prac’tice    fil’bert
dac’tyl    lad’der     rab’id       im’age
fash’ion   lat’tice    rap’id       im’pulse
gal’ley    lan’cet     tac’tics     mil’dew
bit’tern   crys’tal    crim’son     kid’ney
brisk’et   dis’tance   grid’dle     lin’tel
cis’tern   dis’taff    live’long    liq’uid
chim’ney   dwin’dle    gyp’sy       liq’uor
chis’el    pick’le     hith’er      rid’dance

Lesson 93.

slui’cy     bol’ster     cer’tain   driz’zle
jui’cy      court’ship   sur’ly     tick’le
stew’ard    fro’ward     sur’geon   twink’le
jew’el      co’coa       ear’nest   thim’ble
neu’tral    nose’gay     jour’nal   vil’lain
cor’ner     gor’gon      au’dit     so’da
cor’sair    lord’ship    caus’tic   so’fa.
corse’let   mor’bid      awk’ward   so’ber
for’feit    mort’gage    gaud’y     sto’ic
gor’geous   mor’sel      lau’rel    to’paz

Lesson 94.

Dictation exercises.

The awl is used by all shoe-makers.  He said that he would do aught that he ought to do.  The man who stole the bale of goods gave bail.  The Bey rode a bay horse around the bay.  Deer break through the brake and brush.  He had just lain down in the narrow lane.  The horse with the long mane ran through the main street of a town in Maine.  Which of the pair of fine pears will you pare for the child?  The joiner’s plane will smooth the plain door.  You can rein your horse, if it should rain.  The kings reign wisely.

Lesson 95.

bal’us trade   fab’ri cate    bev’er age
al’ka li       gal’ax y       cher’u bim
al’ka line     mas’to don     dem’o crat
ap’o gee       mack’er el     den’i zen
al’i quot      mar’i ner      den’si ty
as’ter isk     par’a graph    ex’or cist
az’i muth      par’al lax     ed’i fy
bach’e lor     par’a gon      em’a nate
cal’a bash     par’a pet      em’pha size
cal’a mus      par’a phrase   ep’i cure

Lesson 96.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.