McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Lesson 85.

berth, a sleeping-place. cast, to throw. birth, coming into life. caste, an order or class. braid, to weave. cede, to yield. brayed, did bray. seed, to sow; to scatter. breach, a gap. coarse, not fine. breech, the hinder part. course, way; career. broach, a spit; to pierce. dam, mother of beasts. brooch, an ornament. damn, to condemn. but, except. cane, a reed; a staff. butt, a cask; a mark.  Cain, a man’s name. call, to name. ceil, to line the top of caul, a kind of net-work. seal, a sea animal.

Lesson 86.

Dictation exercises.

The ensign would not sign the paper.  His design was known.  He maligned his rival, and suffered condign punishment.  A benign face.  He was arraigned after the campaign.  He deigned not to feign surprise.  Squirrels gnaw the bark.  He affirmed it with phlegm.  The knight carried a knapsack.  He had a knack for rhymes.  She knew how to knead the dough.  They cut the knot with a knife.  The curfew tolls the knell of parting day.  The knave had hard knuckles, but little knowledge.

Lesson 87.

Sounds of O and U.

con’dor     sol’id      or’ange     spon’dee
doc’trine   loz’enge    os’trich    toc’sin
cos’tive    of’fal      pomp’ous    jock’ey
fos’sil     of’fice     pon’tiff    mot’ley
frost’y     ol’ive      prom’ise    nos’trum
ton’nage    nov’el      cum’brous   buck’le
won’der     boot’y      cus’tard    bus’tle
won’drous   move’ment   flour’ish   dud’geon
wont’ed     stuc’co     hun’dred    dun’geon
wor’ry      buz’zard    hus’band    lunch’eon

Lesson 88.

Short Sounds of Vowels.

doub’le      bed’stead    eb’on        fend’er
knuck’le     cher’ub      eph’od       heav’y
nour’ish     cres’cent    es’sence     heif’er
south’ern    crev’ice     eth’ics      jeal’ous
frus’trate   dex’trous    feath’er     jel’ly
rep’tile     ster’ile     brim’stone   ab’bess
ref’use      ves’tige     dic’tate     ad’junct
sen’tence    wed’lock     frig’ate     dag’ger
skep’tic     Wednes’day   pil’lage     bram’ble
speck’le     zeal’ous     trib’ute     cal’lous

Lesson 89.

cell, a small room. cart, a vehicle. sell, to barter away. carte, a bill of fare. cent, a small coin. dear, costly; beloved. sent, did send. deer, an animal. scent, odor; smell. due, owing; fit. chased, did chase. dew (du), moisture condensed. chaste, pure. clause, part of a sentence. doe, the female deer. claws, the nails of a beast. dough, unbaked paste. cord, a small rope. dram, a glass of spirits. chord, musical tones in hamony drachm, a small weight.
                                 fane, a temple.
cote, a pen; a fold. fain, gladly. coat, an outer garment. feign, to pretend.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.