McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.
bald, without hair.         air, the atmosphere.
bawled, cried out.          ere, before.
bad, ill; vicious.          e’er, ever.
bade, past tense of bid.    heir, one who inherits.
baize, a kind of cloth.     aisle, walk in a church.
bays, plural of bay.        isle, an island.
bear, an animal.             I’ll, I will.
bare, naked.                cere, to cover with wax.
bay, part of the ocean.     sear, to burn; dry.
bey, a Turkish officer.     seer, a prophet.
be, to exist.               ball, a round body.
bee, an insect.             bawl, to cry out.

Lesson 80.

gai’ter      plant’ain      shriv’el    jaun’dice
clev’er      das’tard       jos’tle     si’lex
paint’er     scab’bard      but’ton     mas’tiff
way’ward     scaf’fold      pic’nic     sar’casm
di’gest      sham’bles      grum’ble    tar’nish
light’ning   tran’script    hus’tle     tar’tar
por’trait    nest’ling      mur’rain    ha rangue’
nov’ice      men’ace        rum’ble     re lapse’
Tues’day     pen’ance       troub’le    pro fess’
cli’mate     shep’herd      ar’gue      re venge’
wrist’let    whole’some     pin’cers   flight’y

Lesson 81.

Dictation exercises.

To essay the task, requires courage.  The discourse was an able essay.  An agent will assay the ore, and forward a receipt.  Contemn a mean act; but do not always condemn the actor.  They were to seize the fort, and cease firing.  They affect great grief; but do not effect their purpose.  Do you dissent from my opinion?  The hill was difficult of descent.  A decent regard for others’ ills is human.  They advise the young to take the advice of the old.  The enemy will invade the rich province.  They were strongly inveighed against.

Lesson 82.

ed’u cate    em’er y      meth’od ist
eb’on y      ex’o dus     pen’i tent
ef’fi gy     fel’o ny     sen’ti nel
el’e phant   gen’e sis    fel’low ship
em’bas sy    fed’er al    res’i dent
ad’mi ral    can’ni bal   myr’i ad
ag’o ny      fac’to ry    slip’per y
al’i ment    gal’ler y    min’u end
al’co hol    man’u al     tyr’an ny
am’nes ty    par’a sol    sym’pho ny

Lesson 83.

mul’ber ry     cul’ti vate    am’ulet
mus’cu lar     jus’ti fy      an’ces try
pun’ish ment   mul’ti ply     Cal’va ry
sub’se quent   mul’ti tude    cav’al ry
sup’pli cant   sub’sti tute   mar’i gold
am’pli fy      cam’o mile     bat’ter y
grat’i fy      pan’to mime    can’o py
pac’i fy       rad’i cal      char’i ty
rar’e fy       pat’ron ize    chas’ti ty
sanc’ti fy     sat’el lite    maj’es ty

Lesson 84.

bail, surety. bold, brave. bale, a pack of goods. bowled, did bowl. bait, a lure. bourn, a limit. bate, to lessen. borne, carried. base, low; vile. bow, a weapon. bass, a part in music. beau (bo), a man of dress. beach, the shore. break, to sever by force. beech, a kind of tree. brake, a thicket. beat, to strike. bruise, to crush. beet, a vegetable. brews (bruz), does brew. bin, a box. by, near. been (bin), existed. buy, to purchase.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.