McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Lesson 74.

The Vowel in the last Syllable silent.

ba’con    sweet’en    dam’son     bit’ten
to’ken    trea’son    fat’ten     driv’en
bra’zen   weak’en     flax’en     kit’ten
ha’ven    wea’sel     glad’den    pris’on
ha’zel    height’en   hap’pen     quick’en
maid’en   light’en    mad’den     ris’en
ma’son    lik’en      rav’el      smit’ten
ra’ven    rip’en      sad’den     stiff’en
shak’en   tight’en    red’den     swiv’el
wea’zen   wid’en      fresh’en    writ’ten
tak’en    bro’ken     o’pen       fast’en
wak’en    clo’ven     leav’en     glis’ten
spok’en   froz’en     length’en   drunk’en
dea’con   gold’en     reck’on      mut’ton

Lesson 75.

The Vowel in the last Syllable not silent.

cray’on   asp’en    tal’on     glu’ten
de’mon    cab’in    wag’on     cit’ron
ci’on     drag’on   sud’den    kitch’en
si’phon   flag’on   fel’on     mit’ten
co’lon    lin’den   lem’on     pis’ton
o’men     grav’el   mel’on     her’on
bar’rel   bev’el    chan’nel   flan’nel
par’cel   plat’en   chick’en   slov’en

Lesson 76.

Dissyllables with the long Sounds of the Vowels.

a’gue       fa’mous      cai’tiff     ci’pher
ca’lyx      fail’ure     fra’cas      high’land
cha’os      faith’ful    gate’-way    mo’hair
dai’ly      frail’ty     name’sake    oak’um
dai’sy      game’ster    stra’tum     poul’tice
bea’dle     neat’ly      mea’sles     trea’cle
bea’ver     clear’ance   peo’ple      trea’tise
drear’y     cre’dence    le’gion      treat’ment
ea’ger      flee’cy      re’gion      twee’zers
mean’ness   greed’y      stee’ple     wea’ry

Lesson 77.

Words ending with ow, the last Letter being silent.

ar’row     sal’low    fel’low   win’dow
har’row    tal’1ow    mel’low   win’now
nar’row    shal’low   fal’low   wid’ow
mar’row    shad’ow    mead’ow   bor’row
spar’row   el’bow     bil’low   mor’row

Words containing ei or ie, promiscuously arranged.

grieve   re trieve’   be siege’   de ceiv’er
thieve   ag grieve’   bre vier’   de ceit’ful
ceiled   a piece’     de ceive’   dis sei’zin
pieced   con ceit’    re lief’    a chiev’ing
sheik    be lieve’    re lieve’   re ceiv’er

Lesson 78.

aught, any thing.           oar, for rowing.
ought, should.              ore, unrefined metal.
wry, crooked.               o’er, over.
rye, a kind of grain.       ow’er, one who owes.
lead, a metal.              adds, joins to.
led, did lead.              adz, a joiner’s tool.
read, perused.              ale, a liquor.
red, a color.               ail, to feel pain.
read, to peruse.            ate, did eat.
reed, a plant.              eight, twice four.
all, the whole.             ant, an insect.
awl, a sharp instrument.    aunt, a relation.

Lesson 79.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.