McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Words accented on the first Syllable.

con’tact   nos’tril    cur’ry      pun’gent
for’est    prod’uct    ful’crum    rus’tic
hob’by     prob’lem    hud’dle     rub’bish
loft’y     ros’ter     pub’lic     sulk’y
log’ic     tor’rent    pub’lish    sul’try
af’flux    bank’rupt   kin’dred    scrib’ble
am’bush    cam’phor    pick’et     trip’let
an’them    hav’oc      tick’et     trick’le
an’nals    hag’gard    wick’et     liz’ard
as’pect    hatch’et    in’voice    vil’la

Lesson 64.

cam’bric    de’ist      cy’press     trib’al
ca’dence    e’qual      Fri’day      cri’sis
da’tive     free’dom    ice’berg     hy’drant
na’tive     need’ful    li’bel       sci’ence
pave’ment   meet’ing    mi’grate     si’lent
duke’dom    boun’ty     pow’der      boy’hood
dur’ance    coun’ty     prow’ess     clois’ter
cu’beb      cow’ard     sound’ings   joy’ous
pu’trid     drow’sy     tow’el       loi’ter
pur’ist     fount’ain   tow’er       loy’al

Lesson 65.

beard    build    palm     verse      witch
crease   built    calf     search     script
eaves    squint   half     fern       guess
heave    live     talk     kern       start
leap     stick    walk     sperm      wrath
knee     cliff    chalk    serve      floor
spleen   writ     lawn     were       czar
have     bronze   daub     herb       haunch
frank    buzz     fault    strength   flaunt
slake    snatch   spawn    sneak      haunt
smack    dredge   drift    purse      sharp
clamp    church   fund     clutch     kneel

Lesson 66.

en no’ble,     in duce’ment   a bu’sive,
e lope’ment    a cu’men       pe ru’sal
ex po’nent     ac cu’sant     pur su’ant
he ro’ic       al lure’ment   re fus’al
pro mo’tive    a muse’ment    sul phu’ric
de tach’ment   es tab’lish    at tend’ant
dog mat’ic     fa nat’ic      as sem’blage
dra mat’ic     fan tas’tic    ap pend’ant
ec stat’ic     gi gan’tic     in tes’tate
e las’tic      in hab’it      com’pen sate

Lesson 67.

cit, a citizen.              wreak, to revenge.
sit, to rest on a seat.      reek, vapor.
duct, a channel.             bier, a carriage for the dead.
ducked, plunged under.       beer, fermented liquor.
chuff, a clown.              rest, quietness; ease.
chough (chuf), a bird.       wrest, to turn; to twist.
coin, metal stamped.         ring, a circle.
coigne, a corner.            wring, to twist.
cole, a kind of cabbage.     rote, repetition.
coal, carbon.                wrote, did write.
find, to discover.           strait, a narrow channel.
fined, did fine; mulcted.    straight, not crooked.
prints, calicoes.            wave, an undulation.
prince, a king’s son.        waive, to refuse.

Lesson 68.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.