McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.
cas cade’    a base’     in clude’   a larm’
ex change’   a maze’     ad jure’    a far’
in flame’    a brade’    de pute’    re mark’
ob late’     cru sade’   re fuse’    de bark’
par take’    de base’    ma nure’    em bark’
ad dress’    re gret’    in ject’    ac quit’
re flex’     ex cept’    in vent’    a drift’
ar rest’     ex pect’    mo lest’    re miss’
con test’    ex pend’    op press’   be fit’
de press’    ex press’   re dress’   per sist’

Lesson 59.

Homophonous words.

Note.—­These exercises on words of similar sound, instead of being gathered into a single department, are interspersed throughout the book.

raised, lifted up.           plait, a fold.
razed, destroyed.            plate, flattened metal.
pries, inspects closely.     plumb, perpendicular.
prize, to value.             plum, a fruit.
pray, to supplicate.         place, site; spot.
prey, a spoil.               plaice, a fish.
pore, a small opening.       please, to gratify.
pour, to cause to flow.      pleas, excuses.
poll, the head.              bell, a sounding vessel.
pole, a rod; a perch.        belle, a fine young lady.

Lesson 60.

bight, a bay. piece, a part. bite, to seize with the teeth. peace, quietness. bloat, to swell. new, not old. blote, to dry and smoke. knew, did know. board, a plank. gnu, a quadruped. bored, did bore. limb, a branch. bread, food. limn, to draw or paint. bred, reared. arc, part of a circle. blue, a color. ark, a vessel. blew, did blow. prays, supplicates. boar, the male swine. praise, honor. bore, to pierce. preys, spoils.

Lesson 61.

Words accented on the last Syllable.

ab rupt’      dis cuss’    a cross’    a gree’
an nul’       de duct’     a dopt’     a sleep’
con struct’   in duct’     a loft’     es teem’
in struct’    re but’      a non’      de cree’
in trust’     re sult’     be long’    de gree’
at tire’      in vite’     com port’   dis close’
en tice’      o blige’     re port’    dis pose’
en tire’      per spire’   con sole’   re store’
in cline’     sub lime’    re pose’    en throne’
in cite’      sur vive’    con voke’   ex plode’

Lesson 62.

Dictation exercises.

Dost consider that dust thou art?  He paid the servant his hire, and the wages were higher than last year.  With whoop and hurra they tore the hoop from the barrel.  The mower will cut more grass to-morrow.  The foreign consul took counsel with the enemy, and called a council of war.  English consols are high.  Kings are sometimes guilty of flagrant wrongs.  Many a fragrant flower blooms unseen.  He tore his clothes in a struggle to close the door.  His course toward that coarse lad was wrong.

Lesson 63.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.