McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.
work   wor’thy    worse   wor’thi ly
word   wor’ship   world   world’li ness
worm   ef’fort    whorl   wor’ship er
wort   world’ly   whort   work’ing-man

Lesson 48.

24.  Regular Long Sound of double 0, as in moon, marked 00.

tool     moon’shine  groom    boor’ish ness
noon     noon’tide   school   gloom’i ly
spool    bloom’ing   soothe   room’i ness
groove   gloom’y     smooth   sooth’say ing

25.  Regular Short Sound of double O, as in wool, marked oo.

wool   hood’wink    brook   coop’er age
look   look’out     crook   rook’er y
rook   wood’land    shook   book’-bind er
hood   wool’ly      stood   crook’ed ness

Lesson 49.

26.  Regular Long Sound of U, as in mute. marked u.

sue    beau’ty   deuce    beau’ti ful
lieu   feud’al   sluice   cu’ti cle
nude   cu’bic    juice    mu’ti ny
suit   flu’id    fugue    pu’ri ty

27.  Regular Short Sound of U, as in but, marked u.

lungs   slum’ber    clump   but’ter y
plush   rus’set     stunt   cus’to dy
dunce   duch’ess    skulk   1ux’u ry
trump   scuf’fle    young   sum’ma ry

Lesson 50.

28.  Sound of U when preceded by r in the same syllable, as in rude, marked u.  It is the same sound as oo.

true    ru’mor     prune    cru’di ty
crude   ru’ral     truce    rhru’ma tism
cruse   truf fle   spruce   pru’dent ly
rule    bru’tish   cruise   pru’ri ent

29.  Sound of U like that of short oo, as in put, marked u.

bull   pul’pit    ful’ly     ful fill’ment
pull   pul’ley    bush’y     bul’le tin
put    cush’ion   puss’y     bull’ion ist
push   bul’wark   butch’er   bush’i ness

Lesson 51.

30.  Sound of U before r in such words as urge, marked u.

urge   jour’ney      spurn   ur’gen cy
burn   stur’geon     nurse   curl’i ness
spur   church’man    curst   jour’nal ist
curb   bur’gess      burst   hurt’ful ness

31.  Regular Long Sound of Y, as in fly, marked y.

ap ply’   ty’rant   pyre    dy’nas ty
de ny’    hy’dra    type    an’ti type
re ly’    ty’phus   fyke    a sy’lum
re ply’   ty’ro     chyme   hy e’na

Lesson 52.

32.  Regular Short Sound of Y, as in hymn, marked y.

pyx    sys’tem   lymph   sym’me try
cyst   syn’tax   nymph   syn’co pe
tymp   phys’ic   tryst   syn’dic ate
Styx   lyr’ic    rynd    syn op’sis

33.  The sound of oi or oy (unmarked), as heard in oil, oyster.

oint    re coil’    spoil    en joy’ment
voice   re joice’   moist    dis joint’ed
troy    de stroy’   broil    em ploy’ment
poise   em ploy’    choice   ap point’ment

Lesson 53.

34.  The sound of ow (unmarked), as heard in owl.  When the ow is sounded as in blown, the o is marked long (blown).

howl   al low’   crowd   flow’er y
gown   en dow’   prowl   pow’er ful
cowl   vow’el    scowl   em bow’el
down   row’el    brown   en dow’ment

35.  The diphthong ou has two leading sounds:  that of ow in words derived from the Anglo-Saxon, as in out; and that of oo in words derived from the French, as in soup.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.