McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.
they      neigh’bor   neigh’bor hood
whey      hei’nous    sur vey’or
freight   o bey’      pur vey’ance
deign     in veigh’   con vey’ance

Lesson 42.

12.  Sound of E before r, verging toward the sound of u in urge, and marked e.

term    er’mine    terse    ter’ma gant
pearl   ear’ly     merge    per’son al
err     per’fect   yearn    mer’chan dise
learn   mer’cer    swerve   ser’mon ize

13.  Regular Long Sound of I. as in ice, marked i.

fife     di’et     Christ   brib’er y
crime    qui’et    spice    di’a dem
shrine   fi’at     strive   li’a ble
thrive   pli’ant   slime    i’ci cle

Lesson 43.

14.  Regular Short Sound of I, as in ill, marked i.

sting   piv’ot      spring   dif’fi dent
bliss   splin’ter   twitch   pin’a fore
inch    tin’der     thick    in’fa my
strip   wick’ed     sphinx   lit’ur gy

15.  Sound of I like that of long e, as in pique, marked i.

pe tite’ fa tigue’ mag a zine’ an tique’ in trigue’ sub ma rine’ ca price’ po lice’ ver’di gris fas cine’ va lise’ quar’an tine

Lesson 44.

16.  Sound of I before r, verging toward u in urge, marked i.

stir    birth’right   girth    girl’ish ness
first   gird’le       thirst   mirth’ful ness
firm    irk’some      firth    thir’ti eth
skirt   vir’gin       smirch   flirt’ing ly

17.  Regular Long Sound of O, as in old, marked o.

host    po’et     chrome   fo’lio
smoke   to’ry     blown    glo’ri fy
sport   lo’cate   scold    o’pi ate
slope   so’lo     droll    po’et ry

Lesson 45.

18.  Regular Short Sound of O, as in not, marked o.

bond    mon’ster    croft    lon’gi tude
frost   pot’ter     sconce   prompt’i tude
lodge   lodg’ment   mosque   nom’i nate
prong   yon’der     frond    ob’li gate

19.  Sound of O like short u, as in dove, marked o.

month   blood’shed   sponge   cov’ert ly
glove   love’ly      tongue   cov’e nant
shove   noth’ing     flood    broth’er hood
front   cov’et       blood    moth’er Iy

Lesson 46.

20.  Sound of O like oo long, as in do, marked o.

whom   tour’ist       group    who ev’er
move   rou tine’      prove    shoe’-mak er
tour   through out’   douche   en tomb’ment
shoe   en tomb’       youth    mov’ing ly

21.  Sound of O like oo short, as in wolf, marked o.

wolf     bo’som       em bo’som     wol ver ene’
would    wom’an       un bo’som     wom’an ly
could    wolf’ish     wom’an hood   wom’an ish
should   wolf’-net    worst’ed      wolf’ish ly

Lesson 47.

22.  Sound of 0 like a (broad a), as in form, marked o.

born     tort’ure   corpse   form’al ist
horn     fork’ed    thorn    cor’mo rant
morse’   for’mer    scorn    hor’ta tive
lorn     for’ward   scorch   mor’ti fy

23.  Another mark has been added in this book to indicate a sound of O where it precedes r, as in work, marked o.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.