McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book.

Sounds of the vowels, diphthongs, and consonants.

In this lesson, and in the pages immediately following, will be found forty-three exercises on the various sounds of the English language.  Some of these have been given already, but are repeated here for the more thorough instruction of the pupil Let the teacher carefully discriminate between the different sounds of the vowels, and fully drill the scholars in their correct enunciation.

1.  Regular Long Sound of A, marked a.

make    la’tent    brave   a base’ment
safe    cham’ber   crave   a bate’ment
gaze    pas’try    grave   ad ja’cent
saint   man’gy     shave   a wa’ken

Lesson 37.

2.  Regular Short Sound of A, marked a.

span   ad’der    crack   can’di date
trap   an’vil    gland   cal’i co
plat   ban’ish   slack   grat’i tude
sham   bran’dy   plaid   mag’is trate

3.  Sound of A before r in such words as air, care, marked a.

dare    af fair’    chair    trans par’ent
rare    de spair’   prayer   for bear’ance
flare   be ware’    scare    par’ent age
glare   com pare’   square   care’ful ness

Lesson 38.

4.  Sound of the Italian A, as in arm, marked a.

farm   ar’bor    guard   ar’gu ment
harm   ar’mor    daunt   ar’ti choke
barn   bar’ber   harsh   car’di nal
yarn   car’go    jaunt   car’pen ter

5.  Sound of A in certain words before ff, ft, ss, st, sk, sp, and in a few before nce and nt, marked a, as in staff.

mass    chance      gasp     chan’cel lor
class   pass’port   quaff    chan’cer y
vast    mas’ter     chant    craft’i ness
task    graft’ed    prance   ad van’tage

Lesson 39.

6.  Sound of broad A. as in all, marked a.

thrall   de bauch’   drawl    au’di ence
tall     de fault’   pawn     laud’a ble
wart     de fraud’   sprawl   plaus’i ble
awe      as sault’   warmth   talk’a tive

7.  Short Sound of broad A, as in what, marked a.

wan      wan’ton     squash   squal’id ness
wand     wan’der     squab    was’ish ly
squat    squan’der   squad    watch’ful ness
wat’ch   wal’low     swamp    what ev’er

Lesson 40.

8.  Regular Long Sound of E, as in eve, marked e.

feel   fe’male    wean     de’i ty
keel   pee’vish   these    de’cen cy
glee   que’ry     priest   e gre’gious
deem   nei’ther   cheer    fre’quen cy

9.  Regular Short Sound of E, as in end, marked e.

ebb    pen’ny    sledge,   en’e my
fret   sec’ond   spread    rec’og nize
helm   ten’der   knelt     len’i ty
them   rec’tor   cleft     mem’o ry

Lesson 41.

10.  Sound of E as in there, marked e, This corresponds with the sound of a in care.

ne’er       par terre’   where up on’
where       ere long’    where un to’
there of’   there by’    where a bouts’
heir’ess    where at’    where with al’

11.  Sound of E like a, as in prey, marked e.

Project Gutenberg
McGuffey's Eclectic Spelling Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.