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Winstanley, William. “Lives of the English Poets.” London, 1687.
Wodrow, John. “Carthon, etc. Attempted in English Verse.” Edinburgh,
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1771. 2 vols.
Wood, Robert. “Essay on Homer.” Dublin, 1776.
Wordsworth, William. Poetical Words. Centenary ed. London, 1870.
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Young, Edward. “The Complaint;
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Young, Edward. Works in Prose.
London, 1765.
Abhandlung von dem Wunderbaren, 374
Abuse of Traveling, The, 84, 89
Account of the English Dramatic Poets,
An, 69
Account of the Greatest English Poets,
An, 80
Account of Wm. Canynge’s Feast,
344, 355
Adams, Jean, 95
Addison, Joseph, 35, 37, 40-42, 45, 46,
49-52, 55-57, 80, 120,
126, 139, 141, 148, 152, 178,
179, 181, 210, 218, 219, 223,
226-28, 283-85, 377, 382,
388, 408
Adelmorn, 409
Adonais, 98, 370
Adventurer, The, 207
Adventures of a Star, 353
Aella, 344, 346, 349, 363-65, 367
Aeneid, The, 56, 328
Aesop’s Fables, 84
Agamemnon, 75
Agnes Bernauerin, 399
Aiken, Lucy, 391, 397
Akenside, Mark, 52, 75, 84, 85, 91, 102,
106, 124, 136, 139-42,
145, 157, 159, 168, 215, 228,
235, 403, 422, 423
Albion’s Triumph, 85
Alfieri, Vittorio, 3
Alley, The, 80
Allibone’s Dictionary of Authors,
392, 393
Alonzo the Brave, 415
Alps, The, 182
Ambrosio, see the Monk.
Amherst, Alicia, 119, 123
Amis et Amile, 64
Ancient Armor, 189
Ancient Lays, 326
Ancient Mariner, The, 18, 262, 269, 299,
369, 394, 419
Ancient Songs, 293
Anecdotes of Painting, 230, 351
Annus Mirabilis, 137
Another Original Canto, 84
Anti-Jacobin, The, 402, 403
Antiquities of Scotland, 187
Apology for Smectymnuus, 146
Apuleius, Lucius, 16, 220
Arcadia, The Countess of Pembroke’s,
Archimage, 84
Architectura Gothica, 181
Ardinghello, 400
Argenis, 241, 242
Argument against Abolishing Christianity,
Ariosto, Lodovico, 25, 100, 219, 222,
225, 226
Aristotle, 19, 38, 51, 55, 274, 276
Arme Heinrich, Der, 64
Armstrong, Jno., 106, 124
Arnold’s Chronicle, 274
Arnold, Matthew, 71, 173, 315, 389, 408
Ars Poetica, 47
Art of Preserving Health, 124
Art Poetique, L’, 47
Aspects of Poetry, 315
Atalanta in Calydon, 35
Athalie, 217
Atlantic Monthly, The, 11
Aucassin et Nicolete, 64, 189, 221
Austen, Jane, 263
Aytoun, Wm. E., 269