Object Lessons on the Human Body eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 99 pages of information about Object Lessons on the Human Body.

Object Lessons on the Human Body eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 99 pages of information about Object Lessons on the Human Body.

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Questions on the introductory lessons.

Of what is the body built?—­“Of bones.”

What covers the bones?—­“Flesh.”

What covers the flesh?—­“Skin.”

What flows through the body?—­“Blood.”

Where does the blood flow from?—­“The heart.”

When does the blood flow from the heart?—­“Every time the heart beats.”

Show with your hand how the heart beats.

When does the heart beat?—­“All the time.”

What happens when the heart stops beating?—­“We die.”

What do you see on the back of your hand, beneath the skin?—­“Veins”

What is in the veins?—­“Bad blood.”

What are the veins?—­“Pipes for the bad blood to pass through.”

Where do the veins carry the bad blood?—­“To the heart.”

Where does the heart send the bad blood?—­“To the lungs.”

What happens to the bad blood when in the lungs?—­“It is made pure.”

What makes the bad blood pure?—­“The air.”

How does the air get into the lungs?—­“Through my nose, mouth, and windpipe.”

What is breathing?—­“Letting the air into and out of my lungs, through my nose, mouth, and windpipe.”

When do you breathe?—­“All the time.”

What do you breathe?—­“Air.”

What do you breaths through?—­“My nose, mouth, and windpipe.”

Where do you get the air?—­“Everywhere.”

Where do the lungs send the pure blood?—­“To the heart.”

Where does the heart send the pure blood?—­“All through the body.”

How does the heart send the pure blood through the body?—­“Through pipes called arteries.”

What kind of blood passes through the arteries?—­“Pure blood.”

What kind of blood passes through the veins?—­“Impure blood.”

What carries the pure blood through the body?—­“The arteries.”

What carries the impure blood through the body?—­“The veins.”

What makes blood?—­“Food and drink.”

What is food?—­“Anything good to eat.”

What is drink?—­“Anything good to drink.”

Name some kinds of wholesome food.—­“Meat, potatoes, oranges, apples, etc.”

Name some kinds of wholesome drink.—­“Water, milk, lemonade, etc.”

What do you mean by wholesome food?—­“Food that will make good blood.”

What do you mean by wholesome drink?—­“Drink that will make good blood.”

What does the blood make?—­“Bones, flesh, skin, hair, nails, and cartilage.”

What use is the blood to the body?—­“It makes the body grow, and keeps it alive.”

Name some kinds of poisonous drinks.—­“Rum, brandy, ale, cider, etc.”

What do you mean by poisonous drinks?—­“Drinks which hurt or poison the body.”

Why do you say that rum and the other drinks you have named are poisonous?—­“Because they do harm to every part of the body.”

Project Gutenberg
Object Lessons on the Human Body from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.