IV. Occurrences on our Voyage.
We encounter bad Weather and various
Dangers and Distresses. Leave a Part
of our Crew behind on a desert
Shore. A strange Cemetry discovered.
Narrow Escape from Wreck. Return to
Mount Misery. We are visited by a
Chanos Indian Cacique, who talks
Spanish, with whom we again take our Departure
from the Island.
V. Navigation of the River. One of our Men dies from Fatigue. Inhumanity of the Captain. Description of our Passage through a horrible and desolate Country. Our Conductor leaves us, and a Party of our Men desert with the Boat. Dreadful Situation of the Remainder. The Cacique returns. Account of our Journey Overland. Kindness of two Indian Women. Description of the Indian Mode of Fishing. Cruel Treatment of my Indian Benefactress by her Husband.
VI. The Cacique’s Conduct changes.
Description of the Indian Mode of
Bird-fowling. Their Religion.
Mr Elliot, our Surgeon, dies. Transactions
on our Journey. Miserable Situation
to which we are reduced.
VII. We land on the Island of Chiloe. To our great Joy we at length discover Something having the Appearance of a House. Kindness of the Natives. We are delivered to the Custody of a Spanish Guard. Transactions with the Spanish Residents. Arrival at Chaco. Manners of the Inhabitants.
VIII. Adventure with the Niece of an old Priest at Castro. Superstition of the People. The Lima Ship arrives, in which we depart for Valparaiso, January 1743. Arrival at and Treatment there. Journey to Chili. Arrival at St. Jago. Generous Conduct of a Scotch Physician. Description of the City and of the People.
IX. Account of the Bull Feasts and other Amusements. Occurrences during nearly two Years Residence. In December, 1744, we embark for Europe in the Lys French Frigate. The Vessel leaky. Dangerous Voyage. Narrow Escape from English Cruizers. Arrival in England. Conclusion
Appendix, No. II. Bulkeley’s narrative.
Captain king’s journal of the transactions on returning to the Sandwich islands.
General Account of the Sandwich Islands.—Their Number, Names, and Situation.—Owhyhee.—Its Extent, and Division into Districts.—Account of its Coasts, and the adjacent Country.—Volcanic Appearances.—Snowy Mountains.—Their Height determined.—Account of a Journey into the Interior Parts of the Country.—Mowee.—Tahoorowa.—Morotoi.—Ranai.— Woahoo.—Atooi.—Oneeheow.—OBEEHOUA.—Tahoora.—Climate.—Winds.— Currents.—Tides.—Animals and Vegetables.—Astronomical Observations.[1]