“Dizem Joan Bocli, e Joan Cummins, e Joan Menino, Inglezes de Nasao, e Cazados em Inglaterra, em quetem suas Mulleres e Fillios, que suedo Officais de Calafate, e Condestavel, & Joneiro, de imadas Fragatas Inglezas, dado a Costa de Patagonia, die fesivel a portarem, a Oporto de Rio Grande, donde selhedeo faculdade para passarem aesta Cidade. E como Naferma do Regimendo de son soberano Nao vensem soldo, algum desde otempo, que Nao Pagau detta Fragata, selhes las presis a passarem a Inglaterra, para poderem tratar de sua vida em Compania de suas familias; para oghe pretendem na Naude Lisensia passar a Citade da Bahia, para da hi Opoderem farer para Lisboa, na primera ocasio, que che for posivell, e sim desda Nao podem intentar dito transporte.
Quaime sedigne dar che Lisensia que nas Fortalesas selhe nas ponha Impedimento a sua Passagein, Come e Costume aos Nacionaes decte Reyne.
A. Rove.”
The foregoing in English thus.
Rio Janeiro Grand.
From all the Forts let them pass.
April 30, 1742.
That they may pass to Portugal in any vessel that offers itself, without any hindrance whatever, to Bahia, May 19, 1742.
“John Bocli, [Bulkeley] John Cummins, and John Young, of the English nation, and married in England, where they have wives and children, the one being an officer, the other a carpenter, and the third cooper of the ship, being an English frigate, arrived on the coast of Patagonia; and at their arrival in the great river, i.e. Rio Grand, leave was granted them to come to this city; and as in the service of his majesty, they do not advance any money, from the time that they paid off the said ship, they are obliged to pass to England, that they may be enabled there to seek their livelihood for their respective families: Therefore they desire that they may pass in the license ship to the city of Bahia, that they may from thence go to Lisbon, by the first opportunity that shall offer; and that without the said ship they will not be able to perform their intended design.
Leave is hereby granted them to pass by the said ship for Bahia; and we command all the forts to let them pass, and not hinder their passage, as is the custom of the nation of this kingdom.
The following is a copy of the solicitor’s certificate.
“ISTO he para que todos sabem que os Senhores Abaixo Nomeados y bem mal afortunados, nesta Cidade de Rio Janeiro se comporlarao com toda Dereysao nao dando escandalo Apesoa Alguma e Sao Dignos deque Joda pessoa posa os favoreser emoque for de Ajudo para Sigimento de sua Viagem omais breve possivel para Huropa.
Hoje 1 de Mayo de 1742.
A sim que Assiney este Papel Como Procu
rador Sosil da Nasao Britanica.
In English thus.