Koeeklipt, The Canadian pine.
Cho, Go.
Sateu, A pine-top.
Kleeteenek, The little cloak that they wear.
Kleethak, A bear’s skin.
Klochimme, Muscles.
Ohkullik, A wooden box they hold things in.
Hislaiakasl, or Coarse mats of bark.
Eesee, An instrument of bone to beat bark.
Chapuz koole, The model of a canoe.
Klapatuketeel, A bag made of mat.
Tahmis, To spit; spittle.
Wasuksheet, To cough.
Poop, Common moss.
Okumha, The wind.
Chutzquabeelsl, A bag made of seal skin.
Konneeemis, A kind of sea weed.
Quaookl, or To sit down.
Klukeeszthl, or To rise up.
Tsookeeats, To walk.
Kummutchchutl, To run.
Klutsklaee, To strike, or beat.
Teeshcheetl, To throw a stone.
Teelszhtee, To rub, or sharpen metal.
Tsook, To cleave, or strike hard.
Mahkatte, A small liliaceous root, which they eat.
Eumahtame, Fur of a sea-otter.
Cheemaine, Their largest fishing-hooks.
Moostatte, A bow.
Kahsheetl, Dead.
Kleeshsheetl, To shoot with a bow.
Tseehattee, An arrow.
Katshak, A flaxen garment, worn as their common
Heshcheene, A plain Venus
Koohminne, A bag rattle.
Akeeuk, A plain bone point
for striking
Kaheita, A barbed bone point
for ditto.
Cheetakulheiwha, Bracelets of white
bugle beads.
Mittemulszth, Thongs of skin worn
about the
and neck.
Iaiopox, Pieces of copper
worn in the ear.
Neesksheetl, To sneeze.
Suchkas, A comb.
Seehl, Small feathers which
they strew
their heads.