virtue of no common magnitude or efficacy. Perhaps it is necessary to
state for the credit of this writer, that some of the immediately
following remarks of Captain King, much as they seem at first sight to
oppose one of his opinions above approved of, will be found on
attentive consideration perfectly reconcileable with them, more
particularly if it be remembered that in other countries where much
snow falls during the winter, nothing is more usual than to find, on
its disappearance, that the earth is covered with a rich and healthy
vegetation which a thick coating of that substance, known to be a bad
conductor of heat, had preserved from the rigors of the season.—E.
[44] Krascheninnikoff says, that the tree here spoken
of is a dwarf cedar,
for that there is not a pine
in the peninsula.
[45] Krascheninnikoff says, that the natives likewise
convert the bark into
a pleasant wholesome food,
by stripping it off whilst it is young and
green, and cutting it into
long narrow stripes, like vermicelli,
drying it, and stewing it
afterward along with their caviar.
[46] Gmelin, p. 41. Steller enumerates five different
species of this
[47] Lonicera pedunclis bifloris, floribus infundibili
formis, baccia
solitaria, oblonga, angulosa.
Gmel. Flor. Sib.
[48] Myrtillus grandis caeruleus.
[49] Epilobium.
[50] Chaerephyllum seminibus levibus.
[51] Tradescantia fructu molli edulo.
[52] Bistorta foliis ovatis, oblongis, acuminatis.
[53] Jacobea foliis cannabis. Steller.
[54] Anemonoides et ranunculus.
[55] Gmel. Sib. Tom. i. p. 119. Tab. XXV.
[56] Canis vulpes.
[57] Mustela zibellina.
[58] Rivers emptying themselves into the Lena, near its source.
[59] Canis lagopus.
[60] Lepus timidus.
[61] Mus citellus.
[62] Mustela erminea.
[63] Mustela nivalis.
[64] Ursus luseus.
[65] Krascheninnikoff relates, that this small animal
frequently destroys
deer, and the wild mountain
sheep, in the following way: They scatter
at the bottom of trees bark
and moss, which those animals are fond of;
and whilst they are picking
it up, drop suddenly upon them, and,
fastening behind the head,
suck out their eyes.
[66] The Koriacks make use of a very simple method
of catching bears. They
suspend, between the forks
of a tree, a running noose; within which
they fasten a bait, which
the animal, endeavouring to pull away, is
caught sometimes by the neck,
and sometimes by the paw.
[67] Capra ammon, or wild sheep. Arct, Zool. i. p. 12.