higher interest (excluding altogether, which is manifestly inhuman,
every concern for the persons immediately engaged in the enterprise)
displayed by the determination to abandon the attempt. To the force of
this conviction, it may be necessary to add the very material
consideration, that, even had it been any way practicable to double
the cape in question, and to reach the Lena in the same track as
Shalauroff, there would have still remained the space betwixt that
river and Archangel, which, though undoubtedly to a great degree
explored, does not appear to have been ever altogether navigated. To
the merely fanciful caviller at the result of this attempt, it would
be a prostitution of time and patience, even if one had both in the
requisite quantity, to offer a reply. But the observations which
Captain King immediately makes on this subject, will probably obviate
any objection which the most sanguine mind will be disposed to
entertain, and perhaps there was little occasion to subjoin a single
remark to his opinion.—E.
[30] This is the only point on which, it seems possible,
to question the
reasoning of Captain King,
and that altogether on the ground of Mr
McKenzie’s discovery,
which of course was not known to that officer.
In virtue of that discovery,
it seems obvious enough, that the implied
necessity of the run from
the Icy Cape to Baffin’s Bay in one short
season, according to the above
argument, is reduced; though it would
be erroneous, to say, that
the importance of the discovery is such as
very materially to modify
the occasion for so great a navigation at
one stretch. But enough
perhaps has been said on a subject, which can
scarcely be expected to claim
more attention than it has done already,
or which, if it be yet destined
to prompt to farther undertakings,
will do so for some such reasons,
and on such grounds, as were
formerly adverted to.—E.
[31] See Gmelin, pages 369, 374.
[32] The reader may recollect that his attention was
formerly directed to
the same work, and for the
same reason. It ought now to be remarked,
that the subject has very
recently attracted much attention by the
additional enquiries and observations
of Mr Scoresby, as communicated
to the Wernerian Society of
Edinburgh, and which are likely to lead to
some important results.—E.
[33] It is worth while to remember that a corresponding
observation as to
the comparative prevalence
of fogs during a northerly wind, was made
in Cook’s second voyage
when navigating in a high south latitude.—E.
[34] But this opinion is not admitted by Mr Arrowsmith,
who has given but
one island in this position,
as we have already mentioned.—E.