Ella Barnwell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 304 pages of information about Ella Barnwell.

Ella Barnwell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 304 pages of information about Ella Barnwell.

With this he shook their hands heartily, and strode away.

The next who advanced to them was Captain Patterson—­the officer, it will be remembered, whose life Algernon so generously saved at the risk of his own.  After the usual congratulations, he took our hero by the hand, and said, with deep feeling: 

“Sir!  I feel that to you, for risking your own life to save mine, I owe a debt I can never cancel; and an attempt to express to you in words my sense of obligation for the noble act, would be worse than vain:  therefore accept this, as a slight testimonial of the gratitude of one who will ever remember you in his prayers, and wear your image in his heart.”

As he concluded, Captain Patterson placed in the hands of Algernon a sealed packet, and moved away.[25]

“Well, its all over,” said Mrs. Younker, coming up in turn to wish the young couple joy.  “I al’ays ’spected as how it ’ud come to this here.  Goodness, gracious, marsy on me alive! what a flustration they has made about ye, sure enough, for sartin—­han’t they?  I never seed the like on’t afore in all my born days.  Why, it’s like you war governor’s folks, sure enough.  And my own Ella, too; and the stranger as com’d to my house all bleeding to death like!  My! my!—­what strange doings Providence does!  Well, its to be hoped you’ll al’ays git bread enough to keep from starving, and that you won’t fight nor quarrel more nor is necessitous—­as the Reverend Preacher Allprayer said, when he married me and Ben together.  Ah!—­poor Ben!—­poor Ben!—­I’m a lone widder now.  Well, the Lord’s will be done!” And the good dame moved sadly away, to make room for others, and console herself by recounting her afflictions to some patient listener, together with the virtues of her deceased and living friends.

“I don’t ‘spect it’s o’ much account my telling you I wish ye joy,” said Isaac, “when every body’s doing the same thing; but it comes from the heart, and I can’t help it.  Well, you’ll be happy, I know; for thar’s nothing like married life; and I speak from experience.  I’m sorry you’ve got to leave us so soon; but you won’t git far from me; for I’ve got you both here;” and placing his hand upon his heart, he bowed, smiled, and passed on.

As soon as the congratulations were over, Algernon and Ella were escorted into the cottage occupied by Mrs. Younker; where a sumptuous dinner was already prepared for them, their relatives, and a few select friends, among whom was Colonel Boone and Captain Patterson.  For the remainder, long tables were ranged around the common, where the greatest conviviality prevailed; and toasts were drank, and songs were sung, and all were merry.  After dinner there were music and dancing on the common and in the cabins:  and the coming night shut in a scene of festivity, such as was but seldom witnessed even in those early times; and which was remembered and spoken of long, long years after, when many of those who were then actors in the scene had sunk beneath the clods of the valley.

Project Gutenberg
Ella Barnwell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.