Israel Potter eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 239 pages of information about Israel Potter.
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Israel Potter eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 239 pages of information about Israel Potter.

Israel immediately began, and related to the Doctor all his adventures up to the present time.

“I suppose,” said the Doctor, upon Israel’s concluding, “that you desire to return to your friends across the sea?”

“That I do, Doctor,” said Israel.

“Well, I think I shall be able to procure you a passage.”

Israel’s eyes sparkled with delight.  The mild sage noticed it, and added:  “But events in these times are uncertain.  At the prospect of pleasure never be elated; but, without depression, respect the omens of ill.  So much my life has taught me, my honest friend.”

Israel felt as though a plum-pudding had been thrust under his nostrils, and then as rapidly withdrawn.

“I think it is probable that in two or three days I shall want you to return with some papers to the persons who sent you to me.  In that case you will have to come here once more, and then, my good friend, we will see what can be done towards getting you safely home again.”

Israel was pouring out torrents of thanks when the Doctor interrupted him.

“Gratitude, my friend, cannot be too much towards God, but towards man, it should be limited.  No man can possibly so serve his fellow, as to merit unbounded gratitude.  Over gratitude in the helped person, is apt to breed vanity or arrogance in the helping one.  Now in assisting you to get home—­if indeed I shall prove able to do so—­I shall be simply doing part of my official duty as agent of our common country.  So you owe me just nothing at all, but the sum of these coins I put in your hand just now.  But that, instead of repaying to me hereafter, you can, when you get home, give to the first soldier’s widow you meet.  Don’t forget it, for it is a debt, a pecuniary liability, owing to me.  It will be about a quarter of a dollar, in the Yankee currency.  A quarter of a dollar, mind.  My honest friend, in pecuniary matters always be exact as a second-hand; never mind with whom it is, father or stranger, peasant or king, be exact to a tick of your honor.”

“Well, Doctor,” said Israel, “since exactness in these matters is so necessary, let me pay back my debt in the very coins in which it was loaned.  There will be no chance of mistake then.  Thanks to my Brentford friends, I have enough to spare of my own, to settle damages with the boot-black of the bridge.  I only took the money from you, because I thought it would not look well to push it back after being so kindly offered.”

“My honest friend,” said the Doctor, “I like your straightforward dealing.  I will receive back the money.”

“No interest, Doctor, I hope,” said Israel.

The sage looked mildly over his spectacles upon Israel and replied:  “My good friend, never permit yourself to be jocose upon pecuniary matters.  Never joke at funerals, or during business transactions.  The affair between us two, you perhaps deem very trivial, but trifles may involve momentous principles.  But no more at present.  You had better go immediately and find the boot-black.  Having settled with him, return hither, and you will find a room ready for you near this, where you will stay during your sojourn in Paris.”

Project Gutenberg
Israel Potter from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.