Chicago Court of Domestic Relations, bureau for marital advice, 193
Chicago Juvenile Protective Association: study
of forced
marriages by, 94-95
Children’s Bureau, 197
Closing the case: extended treatment recommended, 63
Colcord, J.C., 61, 104, 133
Collins, C.F., 180
Collusion: infrequency of, 52, 70;
case stories of, 71, 72;
statistics of National Desertion Bureau,
preventive measures, 73-80
Common law marriages: legal protection under,
confusion of state laws, 98
Community ideals, see Standards
Companions: influence, and wanderlust, 47-48;
aid in finding deserters, 77, 80
Co-operation of agencies, 68-78, 84, 86-90;
suggested methods of finding deserters,
probation officers, 116, 122-124
Corrective treatment: legislative recommendations,
military systems aid in tracing deserters,
obstacles, 167;
serving a warrant or summons, 168;
extradition treaties recommended, 169;
dependency through emigration, report
on, 170;
deportation laws, 171;
court orders to pay, Seybert Institution
report on, 172-177;
special courts for juvenile delinquents,
177, 178, 179;
Family Court of Cincinnati, 178;
domestic relations court, 178, 179-180,
probation officers, 182-184
Court intervention: policy of treatment in past,
reasons, and laxity of laws, 51-52;
social agency statistics, 52;
a last resort, 53-54;
effect of, 55, 95;
for persistent deserters, 114-117;
extradition, 117-119;
probation, 119-124;
warrant served by wife, 127;
effecting reconciliations, 132-140;
domestic relation courts effect reconciliations,
volunteers, 139-140;
inadequacy of orders, 172-177;
for juvenile delinquents, 178, 181;
domestic relations, 179-182, 193
Department of Public Charities, New York City, bureau of domestic relations, 193
Deserters and their Families, 574.
Lilian Brandt, 192
Desertion and Non-Support in Family Case Work.
Joanna C. Colcord,
61, 104, 133
Detectives: methods objectionable, 74, 77
Disease: statistical analysis, 22;
and psychiatry, 24;
effects of physical debility, 34;
venereal disease, 41;
alcoholism, 42.
See also Medical-Social work
District of Columbia: non-support laws, 177
Divorce: relation to desertion, 7, 8;
not considered, 16;
administration of laws, and respect for,
by publication, 101;
clearing bureau for, 101-102;
for long continued desertion, 110;
legal separation to protect wife, 127;
bureaus might prevent, 193-199