Letters to a Daughter and A Little Sermon to School Girls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 68 pages of information about Letters to a Daughter and A Little Sermon to School Girls.

Letters to a Daughter and A Little Sermon to School Girls eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 68 pages of information about Letters to a Daughter and A Little Sermon to School Girls.

Now I have before said that an intellectual culture may be, so to speak, veneered upon us, but a spiritual culture must come from within outward.  In botany you learn of two kinds of plants—­those which grow by external accretions, as bulbs, which, are called exogenous? and plants which grow within outward, which are called endogenous A great philosopher has said that “man is that noble endogenous plant which grows, like the palm, from within outward.”  The culture of the heart and the growth of the spiritual nature is wholly individual; it depends on ourselves alone.  Parents and teachers can furnish the surroundings and the accessories which they hope will most help to nourish this spiritual growth, but they can do no more.  And often how bitterly are they disappointed when they see that, in spite of admonition and instruction and entreaty and example, and every external help and incentive, the inner nature, the heart, the soul of child or pupil is not assimilating spiritual truth, is not growing “in grace and in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”

And now I pass from the consideration of that experience which is the foundation of a lovely character to consider some of the forms of outward expression of this inward character.  I have said that we may feel indisposed to do right; we may really prefer and like best the wrong; nevertheless if we will to do what is right we have gained a victory.  So it may be a great help to us in gaining this inward victory to familiarize ourselves with rules for conduct or expression.  Suppose, for instance we know we are liable to give way to bad tempers and to speak hastily and harshly.  We may even feel that it is a relief to speak thus hastily or harshly, but if we will to control our tempers we may find a great help in resolving never to speak in a loud or harsh tone of voice.  You all know that the scolding or quarreling tone of voice is loud and harsh.  If we resolve never to allow ourselves to use this tone, it will help us to control our tempers, and it will also be an obedience to one of the rules of good manners.

We call a well-mannered person a cultivated person; and this culture consists mainly in kindness and gentleness of manner, in self-restraint, and in unobtrusiveness The real reason for every true rule of good manners is some moral reason.  The true reason why we are forbidden by good manners to do certain things is that the doing of such things gives pain or causes inconvenience to some one.  Why do the rules of good manners forbid the slamming of doors, or noisy running along halls or up and down stairs, or loud talking or boisterous laughter?  Because such noises inflict pain on those who hear them, if they are of refined sensibilities.  For the same reason it is bad manners to drum on a piano, or to drum on table or desk or chair, or to shuffle the feet, or to make any noise that distracts or obtrudes.  Why is it bad manners to come late to meals, to be

Project Gutenberg
Letters to a Daughter and A Little Sermon to School Girls from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.