The Littlest Rebel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 180 pages of information about The Littlest Rebel.

The Littlest Rebel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 180 pages of information about The Littlest Rebel.

“Whar you gwine?” demanded Uncle Billy, with an accusing finger trembling at the bundle.

The younger man made no reply.

“Hear me?” the elder demanded again in rising tones of severity.  “Ain’t you got no tongue in yo’ haid?  Whar you gwine?”

Shifting from one foot to the other the younger man finally broke away from Uncle Billy’s eye and tried to pass him by.

“Den I’ll tell you whar you gwine,” shouted Uncle Billy, furious at last.  “You’s runnin’ ’way to de Yankees, dat’s whar you gwine.”

At this too truthful thrust Jeems Henry saw that further deceit would be futile and he faced Uncle Billy with sullen resentment.

“An’ s’posin’ I is—­wat den?”

“Den you’s a thief,” retorted Uncle Billy with dismayingly quick wit.  “Dat’s what you is—­a thief.”

“I ain’ no thief,” Jeems Henry refuted stubbornly, “I ain’ stole nothin’.”

“You is too,” and Uncle Billy’s forefinger began to shake in the other’s face.  “You’s stealin’ a nigger!”

“What dat?” and Jeems Henry’s eyes opened wide with amazement.  “What you talkin’ ’bout?”

“Talkin’ ’bout you,” replied Uncle Billy, sharper than ever.  “Dey say a nigger’s wuth a thousan’ dollars.  ’Cose you ain’t wuth dat much,” he said with utter disgust.  “I put you down at a dollar and a quarter.  But dat ain’t de p’int,” and he steadily advanced on the other till their faces were only a few inches apart.  “It’s dis. You, Jeems Henry, belongs to Mars’ Herbert Cary an’ Miss Hallie; an’ when you runs ’way you’s stealin’. You’s stealin yo’sef!

“H’m!” sniffed Jeems Henry, now that the nature and extent of his crime were fully understood.  “Ef I ain’ wuth but a dollar an’ a quarter, I suttenly ain’ stealin’ much!”

At this smart reply Uncle Billy’s disgust overcame him completely and he tossed the rooster on the ground and clutched Jeems Henry by the arm.

“You mighty right, you ain’t!” he shouted.  “An’ ef I was fo’ years younger I’d take it outer yo’ hide with a carriage whip.  Hol’ on dar,” as Jeems Henry eluded his grasp and began to move away.  “Which way you gwine?  You hear me?  Now den!”

“I gwine up de river,” replied Jeems Henry, badgered at last into revealing his plan.  Then, after a cautious look around,—­“to Chickahominy Swamp,” he added in lower tones.

Uncle Billy cocked his ears.  Here was news indeed.

“Chickahominy, huh!  So de Yankees is up dar, is dey?  An’ what you think you gwine to do when you git to ’em?”

“Wuck ’roun de camp,” replied Jeems Henry with some vagueness.

“Doin’ what?” was the relentless query.

“Blackin’ de gent’men’s boots—­an’—­an’ gittin’ paid fer it,” Jeems Henry stammered in reply.  “It’s better’n being a slave, Unc’ Billy,” he added as he saw the sneer of contempt on the faithful old man’s face.  “An’ ef you wan’ sech a crazy ol’ fool, you’d come along wid me, too.”

Project Gutenberg
The Littlest Rebel from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.