A Voyage to the South Sea eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 274 pages of information about A Voyage to the South Sea.

A Voyage to the South Sea eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 274 pages of information about A Voyage to the South Sea.

The wind continued between the north and north-west but had so much moderated that I no longer considered our situation to be alarming.  At noon Iddeah returned to the ship with a large hog and a supply of breadfruit and coconuts; and soon after she and Tinah left the ship, having exacted a promise from me that if the weather was moderate I would go on shore in the morning and visit their parents and sister who, they told me, had been much alarmed on our account.  I received a visit likewise from Poeeno and his wife.  This woman had always shown great regard for us; and now, on our meeting, before I could be aware of it, she began beating her head violently with a shark’s tooth so that her face was covered with blood in an instant.  I put a stop to this as soon as I could, and with the drying up of the blood her agitation subsided.  This ceremony is frequently performed upon occasions either of joy or grief.  Her husband said that if any accident happened to the ship I should live with him and that they would cut down trees and build me another ship.

From this sample of the weather and the information of the natives I was convinced it would not be safe to continue in Matavai Bay much longer; and I determined to get everything ready for sailing as speedily as I could.

Monday 8.

The night proved moderate and in the morning I went on shore where I was received by Oberreeroah, and several other friends with great affection.

The plants received no injury from the bad weather having been carefully covered from the spray of the sea:  some were in a dormant state and others were striking out young shoots.  Nelson thought that it was better to refrain a few days from taking them on board; I therefore consented to defer it.  He was of opinion that the plants could be propagated from the roots only, and I directed some boxes to be filled as we could stow them where no others could be placed.

Tuesday 9.

This afternoon, in hauling the launch on shore to be repaired, many of the natives assisting, one of them, a fine boy about ten years old, was thrown down and a roller which was placed under the boat went over him.  The surgeon being ill I sent off for his assistant.  Fortunately no limb was broken nor did he receive any material injury.  The surgeon had been a long time ill, the effect of intemperance and indolence.  He had latterly scarce ever stirred out of his cabin but was not apprehended to be in a dangerous state; nevertheless this evening he appeared to be so much worse than usual that it was thought necessary to remove him to some place where he could have more air; but to no effect for he died in an hour afterwards.  This unfortunate man drank very hard and was so averse to exercise that he never would be prevailed on to take half a dozen turns upon deck at a time in the course of the voyage.

Wednesday 10.

Project Gutenberg
A Voyage to the South Sea from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.