A Voyage to the South Sea eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 274 pages of information about A Voyage to the South Sea.

A Voyage to the South Sea eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 274 pages of information about A Voyage to the South Sea.

And whereas you will receive herewith a copy of the instructions which have been given to the above-mentioned gardeners for their guidance, as well as in procuring the said trees and plants, and the management of them after they shall be put on board, as for bringing to England a small sample of each species, and such others as may be prepared by the superintendent of the botanical garden at St. Vincent’s, and by the said Mr. East, or others, for his majesty’s garden at Kew; you are hereby required and directed to afford, and to give directions to your officers and company to afford, the said gardeners every possible aid and assistance, not only in the collecting of the said trees and plants at the places before mentioned, but for their preservation during their conveyance to the places of their destination.

Given under our hands the 20th November 1787.

Charles Brett,

To Lieutenant William Bligh, commanding his majesty’s armed vessel the
Bounty at Spithead.

By command of their Lordships,

P. Stephens.


In the foregoing orders it is to be observed that I was particularly directed to proceed round Cape Horn but, as the season was so far advanced and we were so long detained by contrary winds, I made application to the Admiralty for discretional orders on that point; to which I received the following answer: 

By the commissioners for executing the office of Lord high Admiral of
great Britain and Ireland, etcEtc.

The season of the year being now so far advanced as to render it probable that your arrival with the vessel you command on the southern coast of America will be too late for your passing round Cape Horn without much difficulty and hazard, you are in that case at liberty (notwithstanding former orders) to proceed in her to Otaheite, round the Cape of Good Hope.

Given under our hands the 18th December 1787.

Charles Brett,

To Lieutenant William Bligh, commanding His Majesty’s armed vessel
Bounty, Spithead.

By command of their Lordships,

P. Stephens.


The Breadfruit is so well known and described that to attempt a new account of it would be unnecessary and useless.  However as it may contribute to the convenience of the reader I have given the following extracts respecting it with the plate annexed.

Extract from the account of DAMPIER’S voyage round the world performed in 1688.

Project Gutenberg
A Voyage to the South Sea from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.