Three Lives eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Three Lives.

Three Lives eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Three Lives.

It was a very tumultuous, very mingled year, this time for Melanctha, but she certainly did begin to really understand.

In every way she got it from Jane Harden.  There was nothing good or bad in doing, feeling, thinking or in talking, that Jane spared her.  Sometimes the lesson came almost too strong for Melanctha, but somehow she always managed to endure it and so slowly, but always with increasing strength and feeling, Melanctha began to really understand.

Then slowly, between them, it began to be all different.  Slowly now between them, it was Melanctha Herbert, who was stronger.  Slowly now they began to drift apart from one another.

Melanctha Herbert never really lost her sense that it was Jane Harden who had taught her, but Jane did many things that Melanctha now no longer needed.  And then, too, Melanctha never could remember right when it came to what she had done and what had happened.  Melanctha now sometimes quarreled with Jane, and they no longer went about together, and sometimes Melanctha really forgot how much she owed to Jane Harden’s teaching.

Melanctha began now to feel that she had always had world wisdom.  She really knew of course, that it was Jane who had taught her, but all that began to be covered over by the trouble between them, that was now always getting stronger.

Jane Harden was a roughened woman.  Once she had been very strong, but now she was weakened in all her kinds of strength by her drinking.  Melanctha had tried the drinking but it had had no real attraction for her.

Jane’s strong and roughened nature and her drinking made it always harder for her to forgive Melanctha, that now Melanctha did not really need her any longer.  Now it was Melanctha who was stronger and it was Jane who was dependent on her.

Melanctha was now come to be about eighteen years old.  She was a graceful, pale yellow, good looking, intelligent, attractive negress, a little mysterious sometimes in her ways, and always good and pleasant, and always ready to do things for people.

Melanctha from now on saw very little of Jane Harden.  Jane did not like that very well and sometimes she abused Melanctha, but her drinking soon covered everything all over.

It was not in Melanctha’s nature to really lose her sense for Jane Harden.  Melanctha all her life was ready to help Jane out in any of her trouble, and later, when Jane really went to pieces, Melanctha always did all that she could to help her.

But Melanctha Herbert was ready now herself to do teaching.  Melanctha could do anything now that she wanted.  Melanctha knew now what everybody wanted.

Melanctha had learned how she might stay a little longer; she had learned that she must decide when she wanted really to stay longer, and she had learned how when she wanted to, she could escape.

And so Melanctha began once more to wander.  It was all now for her very different.  It was never rougher men now that she talked to, and she did not care much now to know white men of the, for her, very better classes.  It was now something realler that Melanctha wanted, something that would move her very deeply, something that would fill her fully with the wisdom that was planted now within her, and that she wanted badly, should really wholly fill her.

Project Gutenberg
Three Lives from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.