Three Lives eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Three Lives.

Three Lives eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Three Lives.

“You see, Miss Mathilda,” Anna said, “All the old german patients don’t go no more now to Doctor.  I stayed with him just so long as I could stand it, but now he is moved away up town too far for poor people, and his wife, she holds her head up so and always is spending so much money just for show, and so he can’t take right care of us poor people any more.  Poor man, he has got always to be thinking about making money now.  I am awful sorry about Doctor, Miss Mathilda, but he neglected Mrs. Drehten shameful when she had her trouble, so now I never see him any more.  Doctor Herman is a good, plain, german doctor and he would never do things so, and Miss Mathilda, Mrs. Drehten is coming in to-morrow to see you before she goes to the hospital for her operation.  She could not go comfortable till she had seen you first to see what you would say.”

All Anna’s friends reverenced the good Anna’s cherished Miss Mathilda.  How could they not do so and still remain friends with the good Anna?  Miss Mathilda rarely really saw them but they were always sending flowers and words of admiration through her Anna.  Every now and then Anna would bring one of them to Miss Mathilda for advice.

It is wonderful how poor people love to take advice from people who are friendly and above them, from people who read in books and who are good.

Miss Mathilda saw Mrs. Drehten and told her she was glad that she was going to the hospital for operation for that surely would be best, and so good Mrs. Drehten’s mind was set at rest.

Mrs. Drehten’s tumor came out very well.  Mrs. Drehten was afterwards never really well, but she could do her work a little better, and be on her feet and yet not get so tired.

And so Anna’s life went on, taking care of Miss Mathilda and all her clothes and goods, and being good to every one that asked or seemed to need her help.

Now, slowly, Anna began to make it up with Mrs. Lehntman.  They could never be as they had been before.  Mrs, Lehntman could never be again the romance in the good Anna’s life, but they could be friends again, and Anna could help all the Lehntmans in their need.  This slowly came about.

Mrs. Lehntman had now left the evil and mysterious man who had been the cause of all her trouble.  She had given up, too, the new big house that she had taken.  Since her trouble her practice had been very quiet.  Still she managed to do fairly well.  She began to talk of paying the good Anna.  This, however, had not gotten very far.

Anna saw Mrs. Lehntman a good deal now.  Mrs. Lehntman’s crisp, black, curly hair had gotten streaked with gray.  Her dark, full, good looking face had lost its firm outline, gone flabby and a little worn.  She had grown stouter and her clothes did not look very nice.  She was as bland as ever in her ways, and as diffuse as always in her attention, but through it all there was uneasiness and fear and uncertainty lest some danger might be near.

Project Gutenberg
Three Lives from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.