Three Lives eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Three Lives.

Three Lives eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Three Lives.

His wife was a blonde, thin, pale, german little woman, who bore her children very hard, and worked too soon, and then till she was sick.  She too, always had things that went wrong.

They both needed constant help and patience, and the good Anna gave both to them all the time.

Another woman who needed help from the good Anna, was one who was in trouble from being good to others.

This woman’s husband’s brother, who was very good, worked in a shop where there was a Bohemian, who was getting sick with consumption.  This man got so much worse he could not do his work, but he was not so sick that he could stay in a hospital.  So this woman had him living there with her.  He was not a nice man, nor was he thankful for all the woman did for him.  He was cross to her two children and made a great mess always in her house.  The doctor said he must have many things to eat, and the woman and the brother of the husband got them for him.

There was no friendship, no affection, no liking even for the man this woman cared for, no claim of common country or of kin, but in the kindly fashion of the poor this woman gave her all and made her house a nasty place, and for a man who was not even grateful for the gift.

Then, of course, the woman herself got into trouble.  Her husband’s brother was now married.  Her husband lost his job.  She did not have the money for the rent.  It was the good Anna’s savings that were handy.

So it went on.  Sometimes a little girl, sometimes a big one was in trouble and Anna heard of them and helped them to find places.

Stray dogs and cats Anna always kept until she found them homes.  She was always careful to learn whether these people would be good to animals.

Out of the whole collection of stray creatures, it was the young Peter and the jolly little Rags, Anna could not find it in her heart to part with.  These became part of the household of the good Anna’s Miss Mathilda.

Peter was a very useless creature, a foolish, silly, cherished, coward male.  It was wild to see him rush up and down in the back yard, barking and bouncing at the wall, when there was some dog out beyond, but when the very littlest one there was got inside of the fence and only looked at Peter, Peter would retire to his Anna and blot himself out between her skirts.

When Peter was left downstairs alone, he howled.  “I am all alone,” he wailed, and then the good Anna would have to come and fetch him up.  Once when Anna stayed a few nights in a house not far away, she had to carry Peter all the way, for Peter was afraid when he found himself on the street outside his house.  Peter was a good sized creature and he sat there and he howled, and the good Anna carried him all the way in her own arms.  He was a coward was this Peter, but he had kindly, gentle eyes and a pretty collie head, and his fur was very thick and white and nice when he was washed.  And then Peter never strayed away, and he looked out of his nice eyes and he liked it when you rubbed him down, and he forgot you when you went away, and he barked whenever there was any noise.

Project Gutenberg
Three Lives from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.