Three Lives eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Three Lives.

Three Lives eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Three Lives.
be very often.  Then too these days Mrs. Haydon could not scold Lena, Mrs. Kreder was always there with her, and it would not be right to scold Lena, when Mrs. Kreder was there, who had now the real right to do it.  And so her aunt always said nice things now to Lena, and though Mrs. Haydon sometimes was a little worried when she saw Lena looking sad and not careful, she did not have time just then to really worry much about it.

Lena now never any more saw the girls she always used to sit with.  She had no way now to see them and it was not in Lena’s nature to search out ways to see them, nor did she now ever think much of the days when she had been used to see them.  They never any of them had come to the Kreder house to see her.  Not even Irish Mary had ever thought to come to see her.  Lena had been soon forgotten by them.  They had soon passed away from Lena and now Lena never thought any more that she had ever known them.

The only one of her old friends who tried to know what Lena liked and what she needed, and who always made Lena come to see her, was the good german cook who had always scolded.  She now scolded Lena hard for letting herself go so, and going out when she was looking so untidy.  “I know you going to have a baby Lena, but that’s no way for you to be looking.  I am ashamed most to see you come and sit here in my kitchen, looking so sloppy and like you never used to Lena.  I never see anybody like you Lena.  Herman is very good to you, you always say so, and he don’t treat you bad even though you don’t deserve to have anybody good to you, you so careless all the time, Lena, letting yourself go like you never had anybody tell you what was the right way you should know how to be looking.  No, Lena, I don’t see no reason you should let yourself go so and look so untidy Lena, so I am ashamed to see you sit there looking so ugly, Lena.  No Lena that ain’t no way ever I see a woman make things come out better, letting herself go so every way and crying all the time like as if you had real trouble.  I never wanted to see you marry Herman Kreder, Lena, I knew what you got to stand with that old woman always, and that old man, he is so stingy too and he don’t say things out but he ain’t any better in his heart than his wife with her bad ways, I know that Lena, I know they don’t hardly give you enough to eat, Lena, I am real sorry for you Lena, you know that Lena, but that ain’t any way to be going round so untidy Lena, even if you have got all that trouble.  You never see me do like that Lena, though sometimes I got a headache so I can’t see to stand to be working hardly, and nothing comes right with all my cooking, but I always see Lena, I look decent.  That’s the only way a german girl can make things come out right Lena.  You hear me what I am saying to you Lena.  Now you eat something nice Lena, I got it all ready for you, and you wash up and be careful Lena and the baby will come all right to you, and then I make your

Project Gutenberg
Three Lives from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.