Three Lives eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Three Lives.

Three Lives eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about Three Lives.

And so Sam never said much to Rose about Melanctha.  Sam was always very gentle to her, but now he began less and less to see her.  Soon Melanctha never came any more to the house to see Rose and Sam never asked Rose anything about her.

Melanctha Herbert was beginning now to come less and less to the house to be with Rose Johnson.  This was because Rose seemed always less and less now to want her, and Rose would not let Melanctha now do things for her.  Melanctha was always humble to her and Melanctha always wanted in every way she could to do things for her.  Rose said no, she guessed she do that herself like she likes to have it better.  Melanctha is real good to stay so long to help her, but Rose guessed perhaps Melanctha better go home now, Rose don’t need nobody to help her now, she is feeling real strong, not like just after she had all that trouble with the baby, and then Sam, when he comes home for his dinner he likes it when Rose is all alone there just to give him his dinner.  Sam always is so tired now, like he always is in the summer, so many people always on the steamer, and they make so much work so Sam is real tired now, and he likes just to eat his dinner and never have people in the house to be a trouble to him.

Each day Rose treated Melanctha more and more as if she never wanted Melanctha any more to come there to the house to see her.  Melanctha dared not ask Rose why she acted in this way to her.  Melanctha badly needed to have Rose always there to save her.  Melanctha wanted badly to cling to her and Rose had always been so solid for her.  Melanctha did not dare to ask Rose if she now no longer wanted her to come and see her.

Melanctha now never any more had Sam to be gentle to her.  Rose always sent Melanctha away from her before it was time for Sam to come home to her.  One day Melanctha had stayed a little longer, for Rose that day had been good to let Melanctha begin to do things for her.  Melanctha then left her and Melanctha met Sam Johnson who stopped a minute to speak kindly to her.

The next day Rose Johnson would not let Melanctha come in to her.  Rose stood on the steps, and there she told Melanctha what she thought now of her.

“I guess Melanctha it certainly ain’t no ways right for you to come here no more just to see me.  I certainly don’t Melanctha no ways like to be a trouble to you.  I certainly think Melanctha I get along better now when I don’t have nobody like you are, always here to help me, and Sam he do so good now with his working, he pay a little girl something to come every day to help me.  I certainly do think Melanctha I don’t never want you no more to come here just to see me.”  “Why Rose, what I ever done to you, I certainly don’t think you is right Rose to be so bad now to me.”  “I certainly don’t no ways Melanctha Herbert think you got any right ever to be complaining the way I been acting to you.  I certainly never do think Melanctha Herbert, you

Project Gutenberg
Three Lives from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.