True Riches eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 203 pages of information about True Riches.

True Riches eBook

Timothy Shay Arthur
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 203 pages of information about True Riches.

Not a minute longer than necessary did Claire remain at home.  The fact that his employer had desired him to return to the store as quickly as possible, was an all-sufficient reason for his unusual hurry to get away.

The moment the door closed upon him, his wife burst into tears.  On her bosom lay a most oppressive weight, and in her mind was a vague, troubled sense of approaching evil.  She felt that there was danger in the path of her husband; but of its nature she could divine little or nothing.  All day her dream had haunted her; and now it reproduced itself in her imagination with painful distinctness.  Vainly she strove to drive it from her thoughts; it would not be gone.  Slowly the hours wore on for her, until the deepening twilight brought the period when her husband was to return again.  To this return her mind looked forward with an anxiety that could not be repressed.

The dreaded meeting with his wife over, Claire thought with less repugnance of what he had done, and was rather inclined to justify than condemn himself.

“It’s the way of the world,” so he argued; “and unless I do as the world does, I must remain where I am—­at the bottom of the ladder.  But why should I stay below, while all around me are struggling upward?  As for what preachers and moralists call strictly fair dealing, it may be all well enough in theory, pleasant to talk about, and all that; but it won’t do in practice, as the world now is.  Where each is grasping all that he can lay his hands on, fair or foul, one must scramble with the rest, or get nothing.  That is so plain that none can deny the proposition.  So, Edward Claire, if you wish to rise above your present poor condition, if you wish to get rich, like your enterprising neighbours, you must do as they do.  If I go in for a lamb, I might as well take a sheep:  the morality of the thing is the same.  If I take a large slice off of a customer, why shall not a portion of that slice be mine; ay, the whole of it, if I choose to make the appropriation?  All Jasper can fairly ask, is a reasonable profit:  if I, by my address, get more than this, surely I may keep a part thereof.  Who shall say nay?”

Justifying himself by these and similar false reasonings, the young man thrust aside the better suggestions, from which he was at first inclined to retrace the false step he had taken; and wilfully shutting his eyes, resolved to go forward in his evil and dangerous course.

During the afternoon of that day a larger number of customers than usual were in, and Claire was very busily occupied.  He made three or four large sales, and was successful in getting several dollars in excess of fair profit from one not very well skilled in prices.  In making an entry of this particular transaction in the memorandum sales-book, the figures recorded were three dollars less than the actual amount received.  So, on this, the first day of the young man’s lapse from honesty, he had appropriated the sum of eight dollars—­nearly equal to his entire week’s salary!  For such a recent traveller in this downward road, how rapid had already become his steps!

Project Gutenberg
True Riches from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.