Victorian Short Stories: Stories of Courtship eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 136 pages of information about Victorian Short Stories.

Victorian Short Stories: Stories of Courtship eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 136 pages of information about Victorian Short Stories.
And you must not come here either, my dear handsome head-in-the-clouds, except to my ‘At Homes’, and then only at judicious intervals.  I shall be walking round the pond in Kensington Gardens at four next Wednesday, unless Mrs. Best brings me a letter to the contrary.  And now thank you for your delicious poem; I do not recognize my humble self in the dainty lines, but I shall always be proud to think I inspired them.  Will it be in the new volume?  I have never been in print before; it will be a novel sensation.  I cannot pay you song for song, only feeling for feeling.  Oh, John Lefolle, why did we not meet when I had still my girlish dreams?  Now, I have grown to distrust all men—­to fear the brute beneath the cavalier....’

* * * * *

Mrs. Best did bring her a letter, but it was not to cancel the appointment, only to say he was not surprised at her horror of the male sex, but that she must beware of false generalizations.  Life was still a wonderful and beautiful thing—­vide poem enclosed.  He was counting the minutes till Wednesday afternoon.  It was surely a popular mistake that only sixty went to the hour.

This chronometrical reflection recurred to him even more poignantly in the hour that he circumambulated the pond in Kensington Gardens.  Had she forgotten—­had her husband locked her up?  What could have happened?  It seemed six hundred minutes, ere, at ten past five she came tripping daintily towards him.  His brain had been reduced to insanely devising problems for his pupils—­if a man walks two strides of one and a half feet a second round a lake fifty acres in area, in how many turns will he overtake a lady who walks half as fast and isn’t there?—­but the moment her pink parasol loomed on the horizon, all his long misery vanished in an ineffable peace and uplifting.  He hurried, bare-headed, to clasp her little gloved hand.  He had forgotten her unpunctuality, nor did she remind him of it.

‘How sweet of you to come all that way,’ was all she said, and it was a sufficient reward for the hours in the train and the six hundred minutes among the nursemaids and perambulators.  The elms were in their glory, the birds were singing briskly, the water sparkled, the sunlit sward stretched fresh and green—­it was the loveliest, coolest moment of the afternoon.  John instinctively turned down a leafy avenue.  Nature and Love!  What more could poet ask?

‘No, we can’t have tea by the Kiosk,’ Mrs. Glamorys protested.  ’Of course I love anything that savours of Paris, but it’s become so fashionable.  There will be heaps of people who know me.  I suppose you’ve forgotten it’s the height of the season.  I know a quiet little place in the High Street.’  She led him, unresisting but bemused, towards the gate, and into a confectioner’s.  Conversation languished on the way.

‘Tea,’ he was about to instruct the pretty attendant.

‘Strawberry ices,’ Mrs. Glamorys remarked gently.  ’And some of those nice French cakes.’

Project Gutenberg
Victorian Short Stories: Stories of Courtship from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.