Victorian Short Stories: Stories of Courtship eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 136 pages of information about Victorian Short Stories.

Victorian Short Stories: Stories of Courtship eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 136 pages of information about Victorian Short Stories.

‘Tell me, then, John,’ she said, when she had sufficiently considered what words she would speak;—­and as she spoke a dark bright colour suffused her face, and her eyes flashed almost with anger.  ’What leap do you mean?  Do you mean a leap upwards?’

‘Well, yes; I hope it will be so.’

’In one sense, certainly, it would be a leap upwards.  To be the wife of the man I loved; to have the privilege of holding his happiness in my hand; to know that I was his own—­the companion whom he had chosen out of all the world—­that would, indeed, be a leap upward; a leap almost to heaven, if all that were so.  But if you mean upwards in any other sense—­’

‘I was thinking of the social scale.’

‘Then, Captain Broughton, your thoughts were doing me dishonour.’

‘Doing you dishonour!’

’Yes, doing me dishonour.  That your father is, in the world’s esteem, a greater man than mine is doubtless true enough.  That you, as a man, are richer than I am as a woman is doubtless also true.  But you dishonour me, and yourself also, if these things can weigh with you now.’

’Patience,—­I think you can hardly know what words you are saying to me.’

’Pardon me, but I think I do.  Nothing that you can give me—­no gifts of that description—­can weigh aught against that which I am giving you.  If you had all the wealth and rank of the greatest lord in the land, it would count as nothing in such a scale.  If—­as I have not doubted—­if in return for my heart you have given me yours, then—­then—­then, you have paid me fully.  But when gifts such as those are going, nothing else can count even as a make-weight.’

‘I do not quite understand you,’ he answered, after a pause.  ’I fear you are a little high-flown.’  And then, while the evening was still early, they walked back to the parsonage almost without another word.

Captain Broughton at this time had only one more full day to remain at Oxney Colne.  On the afternoon following that he was to go as far as Exeter, and thence return to London.  Of course it was to be expected, that the wedding day would be fixed before he went, and much had been said about it during the first day or two of his engagement.  Then he had pressed for an early time, and Patience, with a girl’s usual diffidence, had asked for some little delay.  But now nothing was said on the subject; and how was it probable that such a matter could be settled after such a conversation as that which I have related?  That evening, Miss Le Smyrger asked whether the day had been fixed.  ‘No,’ said Captain Broughton harshly; ‘nothing has been fixed.’  ’But it will be arranged before you go.’  ‘Probably not,’ he said; and then the subject was dropped for the time.

‘John,’ she said, just before she went to bed, ’if there be anything wrong between you and Patience, I conjure you to tell me.’

‘You had better ask her,’ he replied.  ‘I can tell you nothing.’

Project Gutenberg
Victorian Short Stories: Stories of Courtship from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.