damoysel was but xv year of age, and a garland
of floures aboute her hede. When these knyghtes
had soo beholde them, they asked hem the cause why
they sat at that fontayne; we be here, sayd the
damoysels for thys cause, yf we may see ony erraunt
knyghtes to teche hem unto straunge auentures,
and ye be thre knyghtes that seken auentures, and
we be thre damoysels, and therfore eche one of yow
must chose one of us. And whan ye haue done
soo, we wylle lede yow vnto thre hyhe wayes, and
there eche of yow shall chese a wey and his damoysel
wyth hym. And this day twelue monethe ye must
mete here ageyn and god sende yow your lyues,
and ther to ye must plyzte your trouthe.
This is wel said, sayd Syr Marhaus. * * * Thenne euery
damoysel took her knyght by the raynes of his brydel,
and broughte him to the thre wayes, and there
was their othe made to mete at the fontayne that
day twelue moneth and they were lyvynge, and soo they
kyst and departed, and eueryche knyghte sette his
lady behynde him.[14]
Sir Alysandre le Orphelin holds a piece of ground against all comers. A damsel called La Belle Alice proclaims at Arthur’s court that whoever overthrows him, shall have herself and all her lands. Many knights undertake the adventure, but all are defeated by Sir Alysandre.
And whanne La Beale Alys sawe hym juste soo wel, she thought hym a passynge goodly knyght on horsbak. And thenne she lepte out of her pauelione, and toke Syr Alisandre by the brydel, and thus she sayd; Fayre knyght, I require the of thy knyghthode, shewe me thy vysage. I dar wel, sayd Sir Alysander shewe my vysage. And then he put of his helme, and she sawe his vysage, she said; O swete Jhesu! the I must loue and neuer other. Thenne shewe me your vysage, said he. Thenne she unwympeled her vysage. And whanne he saw her, he sayde, here haue I fond my loue and my lady. Truly fayre lady, said he, I promise yow to be your knyghte, and none other that bereth the lyf. Now, gentil knyghte, said she, telle me your name. My name is, said he, Alysander le Orphelyn. Now damoysel, telle me your name, said he. My name is, said she, Alys la Beale Pilggrym. And whan we be more at oure hertes ease both ye and I shalle telle other of what blood we be come. Soo there was grete loue betwyxe them. And as they thus talked, ther came a knyghte that hyght Harsouse le Berbuse, and axed parte of sir Alysanders speres. Thenne Sir Alysander encountred with hym, and at the fyrst Sir Alysander smote hym ouer his hors croupe.[15]
Sir Tristram is thus welcomed at Arthur’s court:
Thenne Kynge Arthur took Sir Tristram by the hand, and wente to the table round. Thenne came Quene Guenever and many ladyes with her, and alle the ladyes sayden at one voyce, welcome Sir Tristram, welcome, said the damoysels, welcome said knightes, welcome said Arthur, for one of the best knyghts and the gentylst of the world, and the man of moost worship, for all manner of hunting