Abdelm. You know too well my weakness and your
Why did heaven make a fool a conqueror!
She was my slave, ’till she by me was shewn
How weak my force was, and how strong her own.
Now she has beat my power from every part,
Made her way open to my naked heart:
[To a Soldier.
Go, strictly charge my soldiers to retreat:
Those countermand who are not entered yet.
On peril of your lives leave all things free.
[Exit Soldier.
Now, madam, love Abdalla more than me.
I only ask, in duty you would bring
The keys of our Albayzyn to the king:
I’ll make your terms as gentle as you please.
sound a charge within, and soldiers shout.
What shouts, and what new sounds of war are these?
Lyndar. Fortune, I hope, has favoured my intent, [Aside. Of gaining time, and welcome succours sent.
Enter the Alferez.
Alferez. All’s lost, and you are fatally
The foe is entered, and the place relieved.
Scarce from the walls had I drawn off my men,
When, from their camp, the enemy rushed in,
And prince Abdalla entered first the gate.
Abdelm. I am betrayed, and find it now too
When your proud soul to flatteries did descend,
[To her.
I might have known it did some ill portend.
The weary seaman stormy weather fears,
When winds shift often, and no cause appears.
You by my bounty live—
Your brothers, too, were pardoned for my sake,
And this return your gratitude does make.
Lyndar. My brothers best their own obligement
Without your charging me with what they owe.
But, since you think the obligement is so great,
I’ll bring a friend to satisfy my debt.
[Looking behind.
Abdelm. Thou shalt not triumph in thy base
Though not thy fort, thy person shall be mine.
goes to take her: She runs and cries out help.
Enter ABDALLA, Duke of
retreats fighting, and is pursued by the adverse
party off the
stage. The alarm within.
Enter again ABDALLA and the Duke of ARCOS, with LYNDARAXA.
D. Arcos. Bold Abdelmelech twice our Spaniards faced, Though much out-numbered; and retreated last.
Abdal. Your beauty, as it moves no common fire,
So it no common courage can inspire.
As he fought well, so had he prospered too,
If, madam, he, like me, had fought for you.