The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 440 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04.

The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 440 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04.

Red. The noise returns, and doubles from behind; It seems as if two adverse armies joined.—­ Time presses us.

Gaz. If longer you delay, We must, though loth, your father’s will obey.

Ozm. Haste, madam, to fulfil his hard commands. 
And rescue me from their ignoble hands. 
Let me kiss yours, when you my wound begin,
Then easy death will slide with pleasure in.

Benz. Ah, gentle soldiers, some short time allow!
                                                 [To GAZ. and RED.
My father has repented him ere now;
Or will repent him, when he finds me dead. 
My clue of life is twined with Ozmyn’s thread.

Red. ’Tis fatal to refuse her, or obey.—­ But where is our excuse? what can we say?

Benz. Say any thing.  Say, that to kill the guiltless you were loth; Or if you did, say, I would kill you both.

Gaz. To disobey our orders is to die.—­ I’ll do’t,—­who dares oppose it?

Red. That dare I. [REDUAN stands before OZMYN, and fights with
                       GAZUL.  BENZAYDA unbinds OZMYN, and gives him
                       her sword.

Benz. Stay not to see the issue of the fight; [RED. kills GAZ. 
But haste to save yourself by speedy flight.
                                     [OZMYN kneels to kiss her hand.

Ozm. Did all mankind against my life conspire. 
Without this blessing I would not retire.—­
But madam, can I go and leave you here? 
Your father’s anger now for you I fear: 
Consider you have done too much to stay.

Benz. Think not of me, but fly yourself away.

Red. Haste quickly hence; the enemies are nigh! 
From every part I see the soldiers fly. 
The foes not only our assailants beat,
But fiercely sally out on their retreat,
And, like a sea broke loose, come on amain.

Enter ABENAMAR, and a party with their swords drawn, driving in
some of the enemies.

Aben. Traitors, you hope to save yourselves in vain!—­ Your forfeit lives shall for your treason pay; And Ozmyn’s blood shall be revenged this day.

Ozm. No, sir, your Ozmyn lives; and lives to own
                                            [Kneeling to his father.
A father’s piety to free his son.

Aben. My Ozmyn!—­O, thou blessing of my age! [Embracing him.
And art thou safe from their deluded rage!—­
Whom must I praise for thy deliverance? 
Was it thy valour, or the work of chance?

Ozm. Nor chance, nor valour, could deliver me;
But ’twas a noble pity set me free.—­
My liberty, and life,
And what your happiness you’re pleased to call,
We to this charming beauty owe it all.

Aben. Instruct me, visible divinity!—­ [To her.
Instruct me by what name to worship thee! 
For to thy virtue I would altars raise,
Since thou art much above all human praise. 
But see,—­

Project Gutenberg
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.