The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 440 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04.

The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 440 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04.

Benz. to Selin. Alas, what aid can my weak hand afford? 
You see I tremble when I touch a sword: 
The brightness dazzles me, and turns my sight;
Or, if I look, ’tis but to aim less right.

Ozm. I’ll guide the hand which must my death convey; My leaping heart shall meet it half the way.

Selin to Benz. Waste not the precious time in idle breath.

Benz. Let me resign this instrument of death.
          [Giving the sword to her father, and then pulling it back.
Ah, no!  I was too hasty to resign: 
’Tis in your hand more mortal than in mine.

  Enter HAMET.

Hamet. The king is from the Alhambra beaten back,
And now preparing for a new attack;
To favour which, he wills, that instantly
You reinforce him with a new supply.

Selin to Benz. Think not, although my duty calls me hence,
That with the breach of yours I will dispense. 
Ere my return, see my commands you do: 
Let me find Ozmyn dead, and killed by you.—­
Gazul and Reduan, attend her still;
And, if she dares to fail, perform my will.
                                          [Exeunt SELIN and HAMET.
                         [BENZAYDA looks languishing on him, with her
                          sword down
; GAZUL and REDUAN standing
                          with drawn swords by her.

Ozm. Defer not, fair Benzayda, my death: 
Looking on you,
I should but live to sigh away my breath. 
My eyes have done the work they had to do: 
I take your image with me, which they drew;
And, when they close, I shall die full of you.

Benz. When parents their commands unjustly lay,
Children are privileged to disobey;
Yet from that breach of duty I am clear,
Since I submit the penalty to bear. 
To die, or kill you, is the alternative;
Rather than take your life, I will not live.

Ozm. This shows the excess of generosity;
But, madam, you have no pretence to die. 
I should defame the Abencerrages race,
To let a lady suffer in my place. 
But neither could that life, you would bestow,
Save mine; nor do you so much pity owe
To me, a stranger, and your house’s foe.

Benz. From whencesoe’er their hate our houses drew,
I blush to tell you, I have none for you. 
’Tis a confession which I should not make,
Had I more time to give, or you to take: 
But, since death’s near, and runs with so much force,
We must meet first, and intercept his course.

Ozm. Oh, how unkind a comfort do you give! 
Now I fear death again, and wish to live. 
Life were worth taking, could I have it now;
But ’tis more good than heaven can e’er allow
To one man’s portion, to have life and you.

Benz. Sure, at our births, Death with our meeting planets danced above, Or we were wounded by a mourning love!—­ [Shouts within.

Project Gutenberg
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.