Almanz. Forgive that fury which my soul does
’Tis the essay of an untaught first love:
Yet rude, unfashioned truth it does express;
’Tis love just peeping in a hasty dress.
Retire, fair creature, to your needful rest;
There’s something noble labouring in my breast:
This raging fire, which through the mass does move,
Shall purge my dross, and shall refine my love.
She goes, and I like my own ghost appear;
It is not living when she is not here.
To him ABDALLA as King, attended.
Abdal. My first acknowledgments to heaven are due; My next, Almanzor, let me pay to you.
Almanz. A poor surprise, and on a naked foe,
Whatever you confess, is all you owe;
And I no merit own, or understand
That fortune did you justice by my hand:
Yet, if you will that little service pay
With a great favour, I can shew the way.
Abdal. I have a favour to demand of you; That is, to take the thing for which you sue.
Almanz. Then, briefly, thus: when I the
Albayzyn won,
I found the beauteous Almahide alone,
Whose sad condition did my pity move;
And that compassion did produce my love.
Abdal. This needs no suit; in justice, I declare. She is your captive by the right of war.
Almanz. She is no captive then; I set her free; And, rather than I will her jailor be, I’ll nobly lose her in her liberty.
Abdal. Your generosity I much approve; But your excess of that shows want of love.
Almanz. No, ’tis the excess of love which
mounts so high,
That, seen far off, it lessens to the eye.
Had I not loved her, and had set her free,
That, sir, had been my generosity;
But ’tis exalted passion, when I show
I dare be wretched, not to make her so:
And, while another passion fills her breast,
I’ll be all wretched rather than half blest.
Abdal. May your heroic act so prosperous be, That Almahide may sigh you set her free.
Zul. Of five tall towers which fortify this
All but the Alhambra your dominion own:
Now, therefore, boldly I confess a flame,
Which is excused in Almahide’s name.
If you the merit of this night regard,
In her possession I have my reward.
Almanz. She your reward! why, she’s a
gift so great,
That I myself have not deserved her yet;
And therefore, though I won her with my sword,
I have, with awe, my sacrilege restored.
Zul. What you deserve I’ll not dispute, because I do not know; This only I will say, she shall not go.
Almanz. Thou, single, art not worth my answering:
But take what friends, what armies thou canst bring;
What worlds; and, when you are united all,
Then will I thunder in your ears,—She shall.