The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 440 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04.

The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 440 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04.

Abdelm. Fly, fly, before the allurements of her face, Ere she return with some resistless grace, And with new magic cover all the place.

Abdal. I cannot, will not,—­nay, I would not fly: 
I’ll love, be blind, be cozened till I die;
And you, who bid me wiser counsel take,
I’ll hate, and, if I can, I’ll kill you for her sake.

Abdelm. Even I, that counselled you, that choice approve: 
I’ll hate you blindly, and her blindly love. 
Prudence, that stemmed the stream, is out of breath: 
And to go down it is the easier death.

  LYNDARAXA re-enters, and smiles on ABDALLA. [Exit ABDALLA.

Abdelm. That smile on Prince Abdalla seems to say,
You are not in your killing mood to day: 
Men brand, indeed, your sex with cruelty,
But you are too good to see poor lovers die. 
This god-like pity in you I extol;
And more, because, like heaven’s, ’tis general.

Lyndar. My smile implies not that I grant his suit:  ’Twas but a bare return of his salute.

Abdelm. It said, you were engaged, and I in place; But, to please both, you would divide the grace.

Lyndar. You’ve cause to be contented with your part, When he has but the look, and you the heart.

Abdelm. In giving but that look, you give what’s mine: 
I’ll not one corner of a glance resign. 
All’s mine; and I am covetous of my store: 
I have not love enough, I’ll tax you more.

Lyndar. I gave not love; ’twas but civility:  He is a prince; that’s due to his degree.

Abdelm. That prince you smiled on is my rival still, And should, if me you loved, be treated ill.

Lyndar. I know not how to show so rude a spite.

Abdelm. That is, you know not how to love aright;
Or, if you did, you would more difference see
Betwixt our souls, than ’twixt our quality. 
Mark, if his birth makes any difference,
If to his words it adds one grain of sense. 
That duty, which his birth can make his due,
I’ll pay, but it shall not be paid by you: 
For, if a prince courts her whom I adore,
He is my rival, and a prince no more.

Lyndar. And when did I my power so far resign.  That you should regulate each look of mine?

Abdelm. Then, when you gave your love, you gave that power.

Lyndar. ’Twas during pleasure, ’tis revoked this hour.  Now, call me false, and rail on womankind,—­ ’Tis all the remedy you’re like to find.

Abdelm. Yes, there’s one more; I’ll hate you, and this visit is my last.

Lyndar. Do’t, if you can; you know I hold you fast:  Yet, for your quiet, would you could resign Your love, as easily as I do mine.

Abdelm. Furies and hell, how unconcerned she speaks!  With what indifference all her vows she breaks!  Curse on me, but she smiles!

Project Gutenberg
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.