The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 440 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04.

The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 440 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04.

Luc. Let us adore you, madam!

Soph. You, Lucretia, I shall advise within.

Vio. But for us, madam?

Soph. For you, dear nieces, I have long considered
The injuries you suffer from my brother,
And I rejoice it is in me to help you: 
I will endeavour, from this very hour,
To put you both into your lovers’ hands,
Who, by your own confession, have deserved you;
But so as (though ’tis done by my connivance)
It shall not seem to be with my consent.

Lau. You do an act of noble charity, And may just heaven reward it!

  Enter HIPPOLITA, and whispers LUCRETIA.

Soph. Oh, you’re a faithful portress of a cloister!  What is’t you whisper to Lucretia?  On your obedience tell me.

Luc. Since you must know, madam, I have received a courtship from the prince Of Mantua.  The rest Hippolita may speak.

Hip. His page, Ascanio, is at the grate, To know, from him, how you had scaped this danger; And brings with him those habits—­

Soph. I find that here has been a long commerce.  What habits?

Luc. I blush to tell you, madam; they were masking habits, in which we went abroad.

Soph. O strange impiety!  Well, I conclude You are no longer for religious clothing; You would infect our order.

Luc. [Kneeling.] Madam, you promised us forgiveness.

Soph. I have done; for ’tis indeed too late to chide.

Hip. With Ascanio there are two gentlemen; Aurelian and Camillo, I think they call themselves, who came to me, recommended from the prince, and desired to speak with Laura and Violetta.

Soph. I think they are your lovers, nieces.

Vio. Madam, they are.

Hip. But, for fear of discovery from your uncle, Mario, whose house, you know, joins to the monastery, are both in masquerade.

Soph. This opportunity must not be lost. [To LAURA and VIOLETTA. 
You two shall take the masking habits instantly,
And, in them, scape your jealous uncle’s eyes. 
When you are happy, make me so, by hearing your success.
                                [Kisses them.  Exeunt LAU. and VIO.

Luc. A sudden thought is sprung within my mind,
Which, by the same indulgence you have shown,
May make me happy too.  I have not time
To tell you now, for fear I lose this opportunity. 
When I return from speaking with Ascanio,
I shall declare the secrets of my love,
And crave your farther help.

Soph. In all that virtue will permit, you shall not fail to find it.
                                           [Exit LUCRETIA.

Hip. Madam, the foolish fellow, whom we took, grows troublesome; what shall we do with him?

Project Gutenberg
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.