The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 440 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04.

The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 440 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04.

Palm. I only beg that you would execute
The last part first:  Let me be put to sea;
The bread and water for my three days life
I give you back, I would not live so long;
But let me ’scape the shame.

Leon. Look to me, piety; and you, O Gods, look to my piety!  Keep me from saying that, which misbecomes a son; But let me die before I see this done.

Poly. If you for ever will abjure her sight, I can be yet a father; she shall live.

Leon. Hear, O you powers! is this to be a father? 
I see ’tis all my happiness and quiet
You aim at, sir; and take them: 
I will not save even my Palmyra’s life
At that ignoble price; but I’ll die with her.

Palm. So had I done by you,
Had fate made me a princess.—­Death, methinks,
Is not a terror now: 
He is not fierce, or grim, but fawns, and sooths me,
And slides along, like Cleopatra’s aspick,
Offering his service to my troubled breast.

Leon. Begin what you have purposed when you please;
Lead her to scorn, your triumph shall be doubled. 
As holy priests,
In pity, go with dying malefactors,
So I will share her shame.

Poly. You shall not have your will so much; first part them, Then execute your office.

Leon. No; I’ll die In her defence. [Draws his sword.

Palm. Ah, hold, and pull not on
A curse, to make me worthy of my death: 
Do not by lawless force oppose your father,
Whom you have too much disobeyed for me.

Leon. Here, take it, sir, and with it pierce my heart: 
                         [Presenting his sword to his Father upon his

You have done more in taking my Palmyra. 
You are my father; therefore I submit.

Poly. Keep him from any thing he may design Against his life, while the first fury lasts; And now perform what I commanded you.

Leon. In vain; if sword and poison be denied me, I’ll hold my breath and die.

Palm. Farewell, my last Leonidas; yet live, I charge you, live, ’till you believe me dead.  I cannot die in peace, if you die first; If life’s a blessing, you shall have it last.

Poly. Go on with her, and lead him after me.

  Enter ARGALEON hastily, with HERMOGENES.

Arga. I bring you, sir, such news as must amaze you, And such as will prevent you from an action, Which would have rendered all your life unhappy. [HERMOGENES kneels.

Poly. Hermogenes, you bend your knees in vain, My doom’s already past.

Her. I kneel not for Palmyra, for I know
She will not need my prayers; but for myself: 
With a feigned tale I have abused your ears,
And, therefore, merit death:  but since, unforced,
I first accuse myself, I hope your mercy.

Project Gutenberg
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 04 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.