More Toasts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 609 pages of information about More Toasts.

More Toasts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 609 pages of information about More Toasts.

  Eradne’s made a wondrous top
    That’s famed from Maine to Italy;
  While Wanda’s jointed rabbits hop
    Through every modern nursery;
    May has a mock canteen, where tea
  Is served to sound of drum and fife,
    Grace reaps from etymology—­
  But where am I to find a wife?

  Maud’s raising a world-famous crop
    Where honors tie ’twixt bean and pea;
  At Daisy’s restaurant each chop
    Would rouse a Muse from apathy;
    Babette’s a broker, who must be
  Where rumors anent stocks are rife;
    They’re all most useful, I agree—­
  But where am I to find a wife?

  I do not know on land or sea,
  A girl who’d stay at home with me—­
    In any varied walks of life. 
    So how am I to find a wife!
  Charlotte Becker.


See Public Speakers.


TED—­“So you think I’m wasting my time making love to that rich girl?”

NED—­“You have about as much chance of winning as a landlord running for office on a dry ticket.”

THE HEELER—­“Well, I see that Jimpson, them reformers’ candidate f’r Mayor, is goin’ t’ have all his meetin’s opened with prayer.”

THE BOSS—­“Good!  That means he knows he’s licked!”

“What do you think of the candidates?”

“Well the more I think of them the more pleased I am that only one of them can get in.”

See also Politicians.


“How is your wife this morning, Uncle Henry?”

“Well, I dunno.  She’s failin, dretful slow.  I do wish she’d git well, or somethin’.”—­Puck.

Candor may be considered as a compound of justice and the love of truth.—­J.  Abercrombie.

Candor is the seal of a noble mind, the ornament and pride of man, the sweetest charm of woman, the scorn of rascals and the rarest virtue of sociability.—­Bentsel-Sternau.

  ’Tis great—­’tis manly to disdain disguise,
  It shows our spirit, or it proves our strength.—­Young.

STATISTICIAN (on the platform)—­“These are not my figures, ladies and gentlemen; they are the figures of a man who knows what he is talking about.”


WILLIE—­“Paw, what is the difference between capital and labor?”

PAW—­“Well, the money you lend represents capital, and getting it back represents labor, my son.”

If you divorce capital from labor, capital is hoarded, and labor starves.—­Daniel Webster.


MINING-STOCK PROMOTER—­“Where can I hide?  The police are coming!”

CHIEF CLERK—­“Get into the card-index case.  I defy any one to find anything in there.”—­Judge.

Project Gutenberg
More Toasts from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.