The Confessions of Nat Turner eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 33 pages of information about The Confessions of Nat Turner.

The Confessions of Nat Turner eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 33 pages of information about The Confessions of Nat Turner.

Joseph Travers and wife and three children, Mrs. Elizabeth Turner,
Hartwell Prebles, Sarah Newsome, Mrs. P. Reese and son William, Trajan
Doyle, Henry Bryant and wife and child, and wife’s mother, Mrs.
Catharine Whitehead, son Richard and four daughters and grand-child,
Salathiel Francis, Nathaniel Francis’ overseer and two children, John T.
Barrow, George Vaughan, Mrs. Levi Waller and ten children, William
Williams, wife and two boys, Mrs. Caswell Worrell and child, Mrs.
Rebecca Vaughan, Ann Eliza Vaughan, and son Arthur, Mrs. John K.
Williams and child, Mrs. Jacob Williams and three children, and Edwin
Drury—­amounting to fifty-five.

A List of Negroes brought before the Court of Southampton, with their owners’ names, and sentence.

Daniel, Richard Porter, Convicted. 
Moses, J.T.  Barrow, Do. 
Tom, Caty Whitehead, Discharged. 
Jack and Andrew, Caty Whitehead, Con. and transported. 
Jacob, Geo. H. Charlton, Disch’d without trial. 
Isaac, Ditto, Convi. and transported. 
Jack, Everett Bryant, Discharged. 
Nathan, Benj.  Blunt’s estate, Convicted. 
Nathan, Tom, and
  Davy, (boys,) Nathaniel Francis, Convicted and transported. 
Davy, Elizabeth Turner, Convicted. 
Curtis, Thomas Ridley, Do. 
Stephen, Do.  Do. 
Hardy and Isham, Benjamin Edwards, Convicted and transp’d. 
Sam, Nathaniel Francis, Convicted. 
Hark, Joseph Travis’ estate.  Do. 
Moses, (a boy,) Do.  Do. and transported
Davy, Levi Waller, Convicted. 
Nelson, Jacob Williams, Do. 
Nat, Edm’d Turner’s estate, Do. 
Jack, Wm. Reese’s estate, Do. 
Dred, Nathaniel Francis, Do. 
Arnold, Artist, (free,) Discharged. 
Sam, J.W.  Parker, Acquitted. 
Ferry and Archer, J.W.  Parker, Disch’d without trial. 
Jim, William Vaughan, Acquitted. 
Bob, Temperance Parker, Do. 
Davy, Joseph Parker,
Daniel, Solomon D. Parker, Disch’d without trial. 
Thomas Haithcock, (free,) Sent on for further trial. 
Joe, John C. Turner, Convicted. 
Lucy, John T. Barrow, Do. 
Matt, Thomas Ridley, Acquitted. 
Jim, Richard Porter, Do. 
Exum Artes, (free,) Sent

Project Gutenberg
The Confessions of Nat Turner from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.