Bills, checking, 64, 101.
Binders for magazines, 58-59.
Bindery-book, 103.
Bindery number, 103, 105.
Bindery schedule, 105-106.
Binding, 63, 103-106; materials, 103-104; cloth, 103-104; leather, 103, 105; sewing, 103-104; backs, 103-104; joints, 103-104; lettering, 105-106; titles and indexes, 106; advertisements, 106; periodicals, 105; folios, 104-105; newspapers, 104; fiction, 104; juveniles, 104; rules for, 106.
Biography, classification of, 79.
Blanks, agreement, 33, 119-121; order slip, 63-64; request, 45, 65.
Board, see Trustees.
Book-buying, see Buying books.
Book committee, 142.
Book cards, 33, 116-117-118-119; see also Book slip.
Book dealers, 63, 66-67-68.
Book-lists, see Lists.
Book news (monthly), 32.
Book-numbers, 91.
Book-plates, 100-101.
Book-pockets, 33, 100-101, 116-117-118-119.
Book-reviews, 32, 101.
Book-slip, 100, 102; see also Book card.
Book supports, 73.
Books, as useful tools, 134; for girls and women and their clubs (Iles), 32; needed in beginning work, 30-32; overdue, 118; reference, see Reference books; renewal of, 118; selection of, see Selection of books.
Bookcases, 26-27; steel, 28; wooden, 28.
Borrowers, age limit, 157; cards for, 33, 116-117, 119-120, 157-158; index to, 121; information for, 137; numbers for, 117-118, 121; register of, 33, 118, 121; responsibility of, 120, 138.
Buildings and grounds committee, 142.
Buildings, library; see Library buildings.
Bulletins, 94, 102, 114, 130; see also Lists.
Buying books, 18, 63-68; ordering, 64, 67; agents, 63, 66-67-68; price, 65-66-67-68; discounts, 63, 65-66-67; editions, 63, 65-66-67; binding, type, quality of paper, 63; complete sets, 66; series, 66; second-hand books, 66, 68; fiction, 66; for children, 66-67; new books, 68; when to buy, 68; see also Selection of books.
Call-number, defined, 93; in book, 100, 102; on book-slip, 100, 102, 116; on pocket, 100, 102,116; on label, 99-100, 102; in accession book, 93, 102; on shelf-list, 93; on catalog-cards, 95, 97; in charging system, 117.
Capitalization, 95.
Card catalog rules, 30, 95-97; for photographs, 172-177.
Card pocket, see Book pocket.
Care of books, brief rules for, 75; dusting books, 74; handling books, 74, 100-101; covering books, 75; cutting leaves, 74, 101; gas, heat, damp, 74.
Carter’s ink, 34, 69.
Cases, see Bookcases; Catalog cases.
Catalog, arrangement of, 102; author, 95-96; dictionary, 97; duplicate, 95; on cards, 94; printed, 94, 115; of A.L.A. library, 30; subject headings for, 96-98; trays for holding, 98.