A Library Primer eBook

John Cotton Dana
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 142 pages of information about A Library Primer.

A Library Primer eBook

John Cotton Dana
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 142 pages of information about A Library Primer.


For school card use S style card.

Style card.  This should show all photographs arranged by cities, under styles, under general term Architecture.

Architecture, Gothic—­Italian. 
Architecture, Gothic—­Spanish. 
Architecture, Gothic—­English, perpendicular. 
Architecture, Gothic—­English, pointed.

[Illustration:  Architecture card; style, showing place, etc.

Architecture — Gothic.  French
    Abbeyville Ch. of S. Wulfrand
    Amiens Cathedral


The cards for the three divisions, architecture, painting, and sculpture, should be kept in separate alphabets.

III.  Classification

Arrange the photographs of sculpture and painting alphabetically by authors where known; where not known, by subjects under the various sizes.

Arrange the photographs of architecture alphabetically by cities, under the sizes.

Indicate the arrangement on cards by two numbers, in blue ink:  the Classification number and the Author number.

Classification number.  This is indicated by the letters F, Q, O, D.

Author number.  Use the C:  A. Cutter Letter alphabetic-order table for book authors, and add to the number so gained the first one or two letters (as the number of prints may require) of the title of the print; or the numerals 1, 2, and 3 may be used.

Write these two numbers in blue ink on the cards, as follows: 

Author card.  Class number on the first line of upper left-hand corner; author number below it.

On other cards.  Write at the left of first red line the two numbers on one line separated by a hyphen.

IV.  Labeling

Give author’s name in full, with dates, in parentheses, and school, beginning directly under left-hand corner of print.

Give title, same as on title card, only reversing the form, beginning under the middle of print and running out to the right-hand corner.

Some collections have more or less descriptive matter on the mount, but this is to be discouraged.

Give the Gallery or Style at lower left-hand corner of mount 1 inch from either edge.  Use waterproof or India ink in all cases.

[Illustration:  Showing proper method of entering descriptive matter on mounted photographs.]

Stamp name of collection with rubber stamp on back of mount in upper left-hand corner, 1-1/2 inches from upper and side edges.

The stamp should give full name and place of museum or library, leaving room above for class and author number, and below for accession number.


Class ____  Author ____
Slater Memorial Museum
Norwich, Conn. 
No. ____]

V. Storage

Project Gutenberg
A Library Primer from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.