A Library Primer eBook

John Cotton Dana
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 142 pages of information about A Library Primer.

A Library Primer eBook

John Cotton Dana
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 142 pages of information about A Library Primer.

A library can often very happily advertise itself, and encourage the use of its books, by establishing a series of lectures.  Entertainments, somewhat of the nature of receptions, or exhibits of the library’s treasures in the library itself, will sometimes add to the institution’s popularity, and will always afford a good excuse for sending to leading people in the community a note reminding them of the library’s existence and perhaps of its needs.


Rules for the care of photographs

Henry W. Kent, Slater museum, Norwich, Conn.

I. Accessioning

The accession book should be ruled in columns under the following headings: 

A, Accession number; B, Author; C, Title; D, Gallery; E, Photographer and place of publication; F, Date of publication; G, Photographer’s number; H, Process; I, Size of print; J, Size of mount; K, Cost; L, Cost of mounting; M, Remarks.

A Accession number.  The consecutive Museum number to be either written or printed.  This column should be used to give the date of accession.

B Author.  For photographs of paintings give one important name.

For photographs of sculpture give sculptor’s name, where known.

For photographs of architecture give name of city followed by country in parentheses.  London (Eng.)

C Title.  For photographs of painting and sculpture use short, catch title, bringing, where possible, the important name first.

For photographs of architecture, make first word a word descriptive of the kind of building:  Temple of Mars; Cathedral of Notre Dame; Basilica of S. Paolo.

D Gallery.  This column is used for sculpture and painting only.  Enter official name of gallery under name of city, followed by country in parentheses, and separated by hyphen:  London (Eng.)-National Gallery; Paris (France)-Louvre.

E Photographer and place of publication.  Use the last name of publisher, followed by name of city abbreviated.  Alinari, Fio.; Braun, Pa.; Hanfstaengl, Muen.

F Date.  The high grade photographs have the date of their publication on the mount.

G Publisher’s number.  To be found on all prints.

H Process.  State whether silver print, platinotype, carbon (give color b. for black, br. for brown, g. for gray), autotype, collotype, etc.

I Size of print.  Give size in centimeters, giving width first.

J Size of mount.  Use the following notation: 

F for size measuring 22x28 inches, and upwards.

Q for size measuring 18x22 inches up to 22x28.

O for size measuring 14x18 inches up to 18x22.

D for all sizes under O.

K Cost.  Give cost of imported prints in foreign money; give total of bill in American money.

L Cost of mounting.

Project Gutenberg
A Library Primer from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.